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Posts posted by chenGOD

  1. 2 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    you have that option already.. so it's not like they're taking anything away. ? 

    i often make playlists of albums from the same artist. will be nice to be able to do that if i ever stream from bandcamp on my phone which i have never done because ipods are my thing. 

    Oh I know, just don't want bandcamp to start focusing on streaming any more than they already are - they wanted to be a record store, and they're darn good at that.


    2 hours ago, Stickfigger said:

    Spotify 'fucking over artists' was never really and is still not an issue for people.

    People didn't care when it was record labels fucking over the artist, not sure why we expect that to change??

    • Like 2
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/truck-convoy-updates-truckers-begin-arriving-in-ottawa-police-chief-warns-weekend-will-be-fluid-risky-and-significant/ar-AATf3T7


    “We don’t want to turn into Quebec,” said the man with the “Freedom for Canada” sign. “It’s right there, you cross the river and it turns into North Korea. We don’t want to have North Korea on the other side of the river that divides our city.”

    How do we shoot these people into the sun?

    • Like 1
  3. On 1/24/2022 at 9:45 PM, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    I always oppose non-communist "leftists" from the left when they oppose communism and hence make themselves part of the right.

    Yeah when I'm talking about shutting it down...I guess I misinterpreted that. My apologies.

    Anyways a moot point since it's gone now. You guys should go on the new sub and do some educating.

  4. On 1/25/2022 at 5:42 PM, sidewinder said:

    I'm actually using an Apple TV too. I just find that because it's an aggregator, if it's not one of the most recent things I've watched across all my streaming apps, it's buried. And because I don't use Apple TV+ as an aggregator, and only go there when I'm trying to watch Apple TV+ content, it doesn't feel intuitive. 

    The aggregated continue watching row makes sense, but if I scroll further down the page I feel there should be a section specifically for the Apple TV+ shows that I'm watching or have added to "Up Next", which I also find to be a stupid name for my list/queue. Maybe there's a way I can simply turn off the app's connection to content from the other apps. ?‍♂️

    That's weird, when I turn on my Apple TV, that's always the first thing I see, and if it's not I use the "home screen" button and it always takes me right to the Apple TV app. I don't use the Apple TV app as an aggregator, I have all the other apps separate. We should be in the FWP thread I guess lol.

    • Like 1
  5. Here's a little piece on idiocy in Canada:



    11 hours ago, milkface said:

    A non-left wing workers rights subreddit run by people who would actively ban outspoken communist/ socialist users has been embarassed by its own mods who had no knowledge.

    Were they actively banning communists/socialists? You and zeff wanted to shut down the whole thing. Either kind of censorship is pretty, ummm not cool.

    I read a number of threads in there about organizing, creating unions, etc. But in general, it was overblown hype, like all of reddit.

  6. 4 hours ago, toaoaoad said:

    I couldn't load that page but does it say that Neil Young's outrage had zero impact on spotify endorsing misinformation?

    there are at least three threads (one, two, three) on reddit about it, and some people have cancelled their subscription. But so what if the impact is minimal? Would you rather Neil Young doesn't take a principled stand? And now he's forced spotify to come out in support of anti-vaxxer JRogan.

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Goiter Sanchez said:

    Yeah figs come from really hot places and generally yield their best crops where there is a long hot growing season. Mature trees have better tolerance for extreme heat (100 f +) and freezes (15 f) than young ones which will require more protection until they put on some size. Anything below 15 f will necessitate protection even for mature fig trees.

    We had two fig trees in our front yard when we lived in Vancouver, BC and they produced so much fruit we couldn't eat it all our selves (we did our best though!). Definitely not a long hot growing season. I think it depends a lot on the variety (even common figs have a lot of variety among them) and all the other variables. I'll see how it goes with mine.

    No space for digging a big hole in the ground unfortunately, but will be putting in 2 new planter boxes this spring as the last one got a little out of control with the tomatoes. The soil on this property is really shit though, so we don't expect much from the first season of growing.

    We are very lucky to be friends with a totally organic farmer (they're not no-till, but their weeding is minimal), they produce amazing vegetables, and they always give us a super reasonable rate.

    Also, I am a terrible gardener.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, drillkicker said:

    At the farm where i worked we wrapped our figs in reemay when it got really cold.  It was a bitch on the bigger trees but it kept them alive.

    Interesting, I may consider lining some burlap with that and wrapping with that combination.

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