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Everything posted by gaarg

  1. Jackie Brown: 8/10 I loved the atmosphere throughout the movie but it felt awkward at times and a bit long.
  2. It was my grandfather. But he's actually clueless as far as wizardry. Too bad, because he'd be a neat one. And yes, my beard is getting out of control.
  3. It kinda reminds me of a game I made about a forest that randomly grew and regenerated and that. You just watched it like a screensaver from top, but it was fun for me to be making it.
  4. My new desktop. Is there a slightly higher res available?
  5. There was, I made it, high five for resurrecting the idea mate!
  6. I can't wait to finish it as well. It started in July and I've spent more than 100 hours on it easy. It's been a love/hate relationship this, and a tough one too. Please don't expect results adequate to my effort statement I just wrote here.
  7. I'm currently finishing a painting I've been working on over half a year now, that's kind of a Rembrandtesque portrait. I'll post the photo here as soon as I have finished it.
  8. Cool, what about from before the 20th century? I'm never getting over Rembrandt as long as I live...
  9. Lucy, which is your favorite drawer or painter of ever?
  10. Watched this one 10/10, it got to me on so many levels, Hard 'n' powerful, just the way I like 'em
  11. This is why I don't watch tv anymore. Because it ceased being like that. This was tv as tv is and should be. tv-ish. Not this cgi hd shit today that makes no sense and is cold, minimal and not human.
  12. Knowing this thread exists makes me feel uncomfortable and is another first world problem.
  13. Django unchained: As good as fun movies go, I loved it! I actually hope Tarantino makes more movies like this.
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