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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. On 12/18/2020 at 11:24 PM, toaoaoad said:

    re: Squarepusher hats, if I had to pick one from Burningn'n it would definitely be this one:

    I mean damn.

    And absolutely this one too:


    Yes!! How the F does he make the 606 sound so JAZZY?


    • Like 1
  2. Also Lady Starlight - as long as we're going there, she's not really my type romantically, but I adore her as much because she just really gets into it as because she makes nice techno.

    And I would rather listen to her talk about gear than any YouTube synth influencer (get the fuck off my algorithm, Bo Beats)

    Same with JakoJako... who happens to be hot, but let's not bury the lede


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  3. 1 minute ago, thawkins said:

    Regarding appearances though - you are damn right this matters. No matter how good your tune is, you got to create the visuals or something else that will lure people to hit that play button. And not just lure people, lure the RIGHT people. Yeah maybe hot girls have it easy (or make it look like this), but nobody is entitled to people listening to their stuff just so.

    Also, if it's easier for women to make stuff look good it's because they have PRACTICE doing this. Standing in front of the mirror with a pile of cosmetics, fine-tuning their look, every day. Because that's expected of them.

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    • Haha 1
  4. 31 minutes ago, TheBro said:

    I welcome women here of course 100% and I think women get my point too. 

    I mean, I don't think this topic is particularly welcoming toward women. Priorities, right?

    Yes there are women that exploit men drooling over them for their own profit. Is it their fault for exploiting them? The men's fault for enabling them? The deep-rooted dysfunctional gender dynamics that created this tedious and distracting situation in the first place? For every one of these, there's another woman earnestly working her ass off to make cool shit, and I'm a hell of a lot more interested in what she's doing.

    29 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

    to suggest that young women receive attention precisely for their relevance to men as sex objects ("biological reasons") is not a verboten topic among liberals lmao

    This post is like that picture that keeps flipping between duck/rabbit, ouch my brain.

  5. 2 hours ago, very honest said:

    individuals would engage and inform each-other of their logical errors, to help them become more in touch with reality.

    Your argument hinges on this, and I don't see this happening in the current climate. We are still very much split into 2 tribes. To "inform each-other of their logical errors" (i.e. to correct falsehoods in the tribal messages) is to fight against the messages and thus to be a tribal traitor. The tribalism might gradually cool down; that certainly seems to be happening within my information bubble. But I'm not convinced that we're near the end of the road for the Fox News / Tea Party / Trump / QAnon / OANN populist authoritarian fascism-lite tribe.

    It does seem like every iteration is messier, with increasingly less qualified leadership, so maybe there will be a point where it's such a mess that it's completely dysfunctional. But there have always been masterminds like Karl Rove, Steve Bannon, and other intelligent enablers/exploiters of the idiots.

    • Like 1
  6. Interesting. Sounds legit based on evidence but some weird choices. Strangely milky/boxy midrange which is pleasant enough but a weird departure and makes it sound more aggressive and 2D. Mr. Y is toast which... I mean, it was cheesy but it definitely added some flavor to the mood and broke up the ambience/noise/austerity nicely. Just pitching Whind down a step is kind of weird. I'm glad "Outro" is its own track now because it was always my favorite part of the whole EP, but I would've expected a more interesting name and the drums don't seem to have anything to do with the arps.

    What's the story with the original, anyway? My wild guess is Lassi borrowed Origami's equipment, in particular the 606, for a week and just did these rando ambient jams.


    7 hours ago, Extralife said:

    The Arcola ep for sure. 

    Also the Narita EP with Blamstrain (Brothomstrain/Blamstates)

  7. I was still too young to be aware of music my parents didn't listen to or that wasn't on the radio.

    Radio: "Dreamweaver", "Simply Irresistible", "Wicked Game", "Kokomo", "Bring Me a Higher Love", "You Can't Always Get What You What"

    From Mom & Dad's collection: U2's The Joshua Tree, Take Six, Leo Kottke, Bonnie Raitt, Lyle Lovett (Dad's favorite chili-cooking soundtrack), Mary Chapin Carpenter (they played Late Night Grande Hotel so much I hid their CD because I was going insane), Windham Hill compilations, Tom Petty, Annie Lennox, and the Mannheim Steamroller Christmas album this time of year.

    Steppenwolf, George Thorogood, Neil Young, and Jethro Tull when Mom wasn't around. A bunch of other dad rock like Steely Dan that I never developed a taste for.

    +1 for Mom's favorite weekend house cleaning album (that snare on "She Drives Me Crazy" still fucking slaps):

    38 minutes ago, zazen said:

    The Raw and the Cooked.jpg


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  8. 5 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

    You're making a false dilemma here by saying it's about "smart, informed decisions" when in reality the issue here is that of selfless vs selfish decisions, and capitalism makes that choice for every CEO.  It's a game theoretical problem that capitalist societies find themselves trapped in, and the only way to overcome it is through a radical reorganization of the entire relations of production, through radical means.

    What's the dilemma?

    I think there are like 5 or 6 different things being conflated in this thread where somehow the conclusion is simply "capitalism is bad". Taken one-by-one, I would almost certainly agree with a point or two being posited here, but en masse it feels like the guy on the corner screaming at passers by.

  9. 9 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

    All code should be distributed freely because it removes the requirement of expending effort to implement the same code twice, so other code which still needs to be implemented can be worked on instead. 

    OK, so build the code for free (which does precisely the thing the prospective customers want in precisely the way they want it) and then start sniping the capitalists' customers. And make sure you talk to the ones with the wallets. If you somehow manage to do this with sufficient precision, scale, and communication skills, then in theory you can destroy the profitability of the software industry. Best of luck!

    9 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

    everything I'm saying is a very standard cybersocialist critique of the software industry under capitalism, specifically, as well as one for which a more generalized form could be applied to any industry.

    Never heard of it, but if this is so very standard, then why don't you stop jumping up and down and stomping your feet and just post a link? "If you build it they will come", etc.

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