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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. 12 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    michigan is certified.

    I'm reading conflicting stuff about this. Maybe the situation is still developing. All I know is, if they try to throw the Detroit votes out, there are going to be a whole lot of people in Detroit pissed off at a much smaller handful of Republicans. This could be where the civil war starts. I hope those scumbags back away from that cliff.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    previously she said she was going to release the cracken


    Did they ever find actual fraud? Fucking hell, it still blows my mind the completeness of this alternate reality these dipshits live in.

  3. 32 minutes ago, very honest said:

    this was actually kind of good. zuckerberg & dorsey vs senate judiciary, nov 17, 2020


    whitehouse, hawley, and booker all had good questioning



    Some of the questions are really dumb though. Like honestly do you expect a CEO of a company that size to be aware of everything that goes on there? And asking for specific figures on this stuff? What else can Zucc say but "I'll get back to you on that"?

  4. lolol how the fuck are you gonna fire Chris Krebs? This fucking guy.




    Trump said Krebs’ firing is a direct result of CISA issuing a statement that it had found no evidence of votes being deleted, lost, changed or compromised at all in the 2020 election, which Trump lost to Democratic challenger Joe Biden.


    My god, get your bitch ass fragile little ego the fuck out the White House.

    • Confused 1
    • Farnsworth 1
  5. I found a (slightly) better quality version of the sucker punch incident and I changed my mind - 100% fuck this guy. He got off easy. What if a black guy did this?

    Fuck this guy, fuck his toadies, fuck MAGA zombies, and fuck casual domestic terrorism.


    • Like 5
  6. 14 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    fuck it.. sucker punch all the proud boys. it's perfectly fine. 



    It's clear what they're fighting against, but what are they fighting for?

    Is being a proud boy the new Harley for midlife crises?

  7. 7 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

    I’d like to think the “side” I’m supporting can see the difference between an honourable beat down and cowardice. I expect cowardice from the sad boys and Q Cucks Klan. That’s it. 

    Fair, although I will repeat that "they go low, we go high" is what got us 6 GOP-backed SC justices. Maybe the sucker punch was a bit too low - I'm still not 100% convinced, but I've never been in a comparable situation. And, yes, on the other hand I am convinced that Shovey McShoverson is an asshole.

    • Like 2
  8. Also the rhetoric coming from the far right has increasingly been of the might-makes-right variety, election butthurt aside. Play with fire, get burned. It's problematic to conflate the movement with the individual but that's kinda how cults work, innit

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, chenGOD said:

    Sorry (not sorry) but the sucker punch is completely uncalled for. It’s cowardly as fuck. 
    The guy deserved to get beat down, but do it proper, so he sees who’s whipping his ass. 

    Well, this is what I saw. He shoved a female bystander, who was black, and he was not, which shouldn't matter, but it does, even moreso after the last 4 years and especially after this summer. After getting his fill at the shove-a-libtard buffet, he walked off with a self-satisfied gait, like he was getting ready to go back and brag to his buddies about the (insert-slur-here)s he just showed who was boss. Instead, he got clocked and hit the pavement. I'm sorry (not sorry) but you make a bunch of enemies in a hurry and then turn your back on shit like that, and you can expect someone to do something to your smug ass, cowardly or not. I'm no street fight referee, but right and wrong really feels like splitting hairs here.

    • Like 1
  10. 26 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    it's just straight up dumb to go out there and push people around and not expect some asshole to practice "unsportsman like conduct".

    Yeah this is more what I meant to say.

    Anyway I hope the dude is alright but I also hope it left a mark.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, IDEM said:

    Not to speak of getting a quick kick in when he's already out cold on the floor. But I guess he "had that coming" too. JFC, what the fuck is wrong with people.

    You can't come into a heated situation like that, act like a jackass, and expect people to respond with unwavering kindness. Non-rhetorical question: what were you expecting? 

    The kick was a bit much though, I'll give you that.

    • Like 3
  12. 5 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

    That sucker punch is brutal though. Like the guy is clearly an ass, but sucker punching someone just ain't right.

    Hmm, idk. Definitely not something I'd wish on most folks, even arrogant bigots, but the way he was jumping around like an asshole and terrorizing people like he was invincible, he was straight begging for it. That feels just about right to me.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  13. 12 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    john bolton.. voice of reason in the republican party. lols. irony. 


    How to talk to 49 million adult babies:

    *Pats on head* "You are VERY SMART kids, so you I know you will understand when I tell you that Biden won."

    How are they not embarrassed with themselves? Does that come later? I'm starting to wonder if there is literally a mass chemical imbalance.

    • Like 6
  14. 17 minutes ago, Bubba69 said:

    I got a deal on one of these second hand (original). Anyone have recommendations on how to integrate it into your setup? How have you used it? There's a lot of cool effects things I've discovered, like tapey is cool, lots of cool granular stuff you can do. Such a vast user library. Haven't messed with ORAC yet but it seems cool. Not really my style of working but I wanted to add more organic, swelling, background fx to my hardware music, granular sputters crackling up in the background and whatnot, mouse on mars-esque. So that's the angle I'm taking right now but also just have no idea what I can ultimately do with this thing.

    My local jam buddy has one and enjoys it. Some of the stuff I've heard him do includes FM synths, vocal processing, live sampling, and looping. When we jam, he uses it alongside a Circuit Mono Station and a Kaoss Pad 3 and records it all into Ableton. He seems to do a lot of weird effects and vocal mangling with it, as well as some melodic fills. I'm going to see him today so I can ask him what apps he uses. You might hear some of it in here:


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. Hey thanks man! Yeah lately I'm just posting WB stuff this year. It is wildly inconsistent in terms of quality, genre, approach, lol: https://weeklybeats.com/license I have never bothered to collate my stuff into a release, but I might be more motivated once WB (and 2020, fucking hell) is over and the increasingly chore-like weekly deadline is gone.

    That black norns is gorgeous. I love the silver tho - silver is just my color :)

    Semi modular is a great way to go, and there are lots of good options now. I intended to start there this year (with 0-Coast and 0-Ctrl) and I ended up getting impatient w/ the supply chain that COVID borked and just took the plunge with a rack. I do wish I would have been a bit more patient and stuck it out with that, but eurorack is cool and is definitely making me look at synths differently.

    Your "almost-anything" description is apt and I think it applies to most of monome's product line. It's one of those things you either get or you don't, not in an elitist or exclusive way - it's just a matter of whether a tabula rasa appeals to you. There's definitely a couple barriers that prevent it from being more popular, in addition to the lack of definition that you identified: the seemingly high cost of the OG norns on the one hand, and the technical know-how of setting up the shield on the other. I think when (and if) the "killer app" arrives, the community will expand; though, arguably, Cheat Codes is it, and I guess Orca could be too. But I think there may be more norns users than it seems - for example, one of the musicians touring with Bon Iver was using one. There might just be a lot of folks that don't post YouTube/IG videos or hang out on lines that are happily jamming with other folks' norns apps. But all that said, sustainable business at a human scale seems to be a core tenet of the monome philosophy, and as far as I can tell they are satisfied with the current pace of production/consumption. I have to say I prefer this quiet, small, earnest approach to mass production, cutting manufacturing corners, and flooding feeds with cheesy promotional videos!

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