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Posts posted by sweepstakes

  1. 50 minutes ago, fumi said:

    Trump tapped into the anger of people and those who felt they had no voice.

    Yeah, this is kind of a big deal. After Hillary lost in 2016 I felt this in a way that made me feel sad for their anger and alienation. But after 4 years of venomous red-faced Trump rallies, I have heard their voice, and it is loud and obnoxious and hateful, and I'm sick to death of hearing it. If they can't put on their big boy/girl pants and learn to play nice with the rest of the country, fuck 'em. Without the life preserver of the electoral college, they're irrelevant, and they fucking earned it.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:


    "This one has Carbon-11 so it clearly came from Pittsburgh. And this one has C-12 on it so it's definitely Philadelphia. This one has both so I don't fucking know but uh, this one has Radium on it. That's a GOP one so we definitely want that one counted. Am I the only one who feels kind of sick after handling those GOP ones...?"

    • Like 1
  3. You know, though, one thread I do think worth pulling on is why so many Latino men voted for Trump, especially in Florida.

    I also read an article recently that many 2nd-generation Latin American immigrants renounce identifying as "Hispanic" and just choose "White" for e.g. census purposes. That seems really sad to me, reminds me of Black people in the 60s straightening their hair and lightening their skin to appear more white. Which is probably still a thing. I mean, it's still rare to see a Black person with a natural hairstyle in a "professional" setting (props to Trevor Noah for representing that)

    This is kind of a heavy-handed, identity politics take, but do you think not having enough strong Latino male figures in popular culture is somewhat to blame?

    Anyway, not really my place to comment as a middle class white dude, but I think it bears investigating. I'm 2 beers in now, though, and I don't drink much lately, so it could be that talking.

    • Like 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

    THAT us the good timeline. The bad is that he does everything in his power to make things worse for Biden.

    Btw that does scare

    That DOES worry me, that he isn't lying about getting the most votes ever. It is insane to me that he got more votes than he did in 2016, before all of the crazy shit.

    There's a reason that conservatives are often called reactionaries. They knew dems would vote anti-Trump so they voted anti-anti-Trump. It's just cause and effect.

    • Farnsworth 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    at some point these types will fire their weapon (again). Idk wtf is to protest in arkansas but ok. 


    They're just butthurt and they don't know how to do anything else with their big hurty feelings.

    • Like 2
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    • Farnsworth 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, zazen said:

    Trump is so going to check-out now for the rest of his term. He ain't gonna bother to do shit.

    If he's enough of a blatantly apathetic piece of shit, he might lose some supporters. Playing golf while the election gets called is a good start.

    • Like 1
  7. Oh, yeah, it's the future. Rugged individualism isn't sustainable. It's just that the Overton window got completely jacked by fashies and we have to fix that before we can get some real work done.

    I think there is a lag between what the majority of voters are ready for (which Bernie showed is actually pretty far to the left) vs. what the establishment and suburban Boomer voters are ready for, and then in turn what rural flyover voters can stomach, the last of which is super narrow and completely fucked and only relevant because of ancient compromises like the senate and the electoral college.

    And if while we try to move the Overton window (which might take forever), we need to do more stuff like this:

    • Like 2
  8. 7 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:

    I'll try to find the specific clip I had in mind.  Within hours of Georgia flipping he was on TV going off about how the election had sent a message that the DNC had to move had center, should "never say the word 'socialism' again," etc. etc.


    We narrowly avoided driving the car straight off the cliff, and now the DNC neolib power base is trying to grab the wheel and screaming "turn around! We missed it!"


    Which was completely predictable.

    Honestly I do hope that we never hear the word socialism spoken again, at least by GOP. They have completely driven that term into the ground, they just use it like an epithet with no thought behind it, just some archetype of a Stalin boogeyman. I hope to hear "public" and "for all" replacing "socialism", i.e. as applied to health care, education, etc.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:

    If you want to really feel doomed about 2024, watch some Morning Joe clips from the last couple days. 


    What, like this? I legit just did a search and this was the first. Not particularly doom-inspiring, other than that the stupid fucking question was posed in the first place.


  10. 16 minutes ago, apriorion said:

    Sorry to be a debbie-downer, but that's a surgical removal of a tumour while the cancer has metastazied in the liver and has spread to the brain of this, Our Great Country. We be celebrating the hacking of a rapidly decomposing corpse. Granted, that's a bit dramatic, but we shouldn't be patting ourselves on the back over this terribly weak showing. We have to remain vigilant now, and brace ourselves for whatever nutty declarations Trump will signal to his rather substantive base. These are the people with guns, who organize Weekend-Warrior militia groups like the three-percenters or the oathkeepers. They all believe the weird things that Trump says about the election being stolen, and they are ready for a civil war. Listen: https://www.npr.org/2020/10/28/928644025/after-covering-civil-war-overseas-journalist-examines-u-s-militia-movement 

    The size of the Trump base is what's truly disturbing me right now: it's much worse than I thought. I thought (given 2016) that his support was a sizable minority: just enough and distributed just right to secure the electoral college victory. While he didn't secure it this time, what this shows is far more people were willing to vote for this guy--despite all that he said and did to undermine democracy--than a mere 30%. It was basically half of this fucking country. 

    Fuck this. No, we should not be happy. 

    Trump has a cult, that cult gave him a machine and momentum. The machine is starting to be dismantled, the momentum is slowing, and while some of the cult will remain, without the platform of POTUS, they will dwindle too.

    What we just won is definitely just a battle, but we haven't lost the war yet.

    • Like 5
  11. I'm eager to see what they do with the UI on opsix. The copy in that press release is right; the envelope controls on the volca FM make for one of the most intuitive layouts for FM I've used.

    That sequencer is a little goofy, yeah, seems just like a BSP to me. I like the simplicity of the concept, though, and if it has some kind of controller mode, it could be pretty interesting. 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

    So I think it is time to start making bets on how long it will take the whole GOP to basically drop Trump like a bad habit. They forced themselves to pretend to like him for 4 years, and finally the recoil is on it's way.

    IF the conservative media does NOT drop him in any substantial way, I think that will be a clear sign that a 2024 Trump presidency is in the cards.

    I think they sold their soul and now the devil wants his end of the deal. I sense lots of infighting on the horizon. There's freshmen trumpists and qanon believers and the old guard is already bitching, pulling rank, and getting in twitter fights with them. In other words, make some popcorn.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Roo said:

    I just think people instinctively follow the bully. Anyone with a disregard for truth or empathy finds the bully appealing to get behind. Narcissists. Lackeys. Simpletons. Abdicate responsibility. Bullies generally appear to get their way and wield influence, so maybe some survival genetic trait going on there, makes them resemble ‘natural’ leaders. Biological, social, privilege and mentality.

    I think that's about right. There seem to be a lot of male Trump supporters who think he's "alpha" or "macho" because he talks big. But where the rubber meets the road he's a wet noodle. Incompetent, cowardly and weak. All bark and no bite.

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