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Everything posted by baph

  1. Who knows what's been in/flooded out of that river over the last couple of months. But if you have a rash that won't go away, i'd say have it checked out. Is it fungal, or a reaction to something else? Or have you picked up some exotic nematode from the deepest congo, that is currently burrowing it's way towards your brain? FML FML FML FML FML FML Not sure which lesion you are referring to but I think you mean the diffuse papules. I don't think it looks like much to worry about. It appears to be a localized, eczema-like area of inflammation probably due to dry skin or some other irritant. Being that it was the Hudson, a chemical irritation can't be ruled out It does not look angry enough to be scabies, which is the next closest thing I would think of. If it starts to itch really badly, ooze, crust or otherwise look grody, I would go to the doctor. In the meantime, use a cortisone-containing ointment on it for a week or so. Don't go past a week though because steroids thin the skin with repeated application, which could leave you vulnerable to worse things like a bacterial or fungal invasion. I had basically the exact same thing from dipping my toes in the water at the Santa Monica pier. Also, there was some gross tar shit on the bottom of my toe that took 25 minutes to scrub off in the shower. The rash lasted about a month and slowly went away, with judicious ointment application. The tar will haunt my dreams forever.
  2. baph


    Dear Friend, Let me in that list and was as such look for your help, I have no other option and I have no choice. I'm Jerry from the West Davis Boulevard (Utah), provider of equipment and services for American troops armed forces in the Middle East. The reason, for whom he explained my findings to you is to seek help to enable us to contribute immensely in August and to the realization of my dreams. I'm in the U.S. Army for the sole purpose of which is the part of Iraq's reconstruction niektуrych. As we well know, Iraq is slowly undergoing a process of reconstruction in parts niektуrych and there is a substantial need for the reconstruction of one, which is needed and will be entered into it. I appreciate the level of destruction and offer professional advice in line with the way in which they plan to rebuild. The work is risky, and no doubtdifficult, and sometimes we are dealing with armed troops, where we lose soldiers during the confrontation. I had mуj own share in the losses when he lost a friend, whom I knew for 12 years. On 19 August 2011, at approximately 1100 hours in normal controls along Haifa Street where there is a long thoroughfare budynkуw towers, insists in have been built and occupied by the late Saddam Hussein, when he was still alive, I along with three soldiers went to significant places, and when I started working when I was a closely guarded assessment of soldiers, discovered unusual bulge in a cellar in the assumed insists in the room is located. And I decided to pуjsc there, just kicked a metal cover and found a metal crate (6 numerуw) arranged on gуrze another one, which were closed on klуdke each. After breaking inbox opened niektуrediscovered several pistoletуw, amunicjei niektуre wsrуd box which one could include two bullets, one filled with hard drug (heroin) and one other to my surprise , contained a few dolarуw the U.S. one, which exalted the $ 23.2 and I had hoped for them dwуch soldiers about three hours. I believe that if the boxes are not owned by someone, are associated with the Iraq war with Iran from smuggling oil. However, I instructed them to have kept it a secret so high, that we can get money for ourselves, we all agreed on the plan and we had obtained these money, but first we had to hide money in a safe place and where it can not detect the location. This caused the seek medical opinion with a friend , who has went with me and two other officers in secret and in a safer place, after ktуrym we could deliver drugs and weapons to our supervisor. I am now in desperate need of "Reliable and Trustworthy "like you who used to get security and protect these inbox containing USD for me, my task runs dopуki here. We can not afford to leave the boxes here in Iraq for any reason since Iraq is getting more dangerous every day. We have no idea what might happen then, as everything remains inconclusive at this time. I am fully aware of what thoughts will be next, so I'm going to give you my picture, my caller ID as also the whole complex, so you knew who you are dealing with. I assure and promise to give 25% of that znaleznego, however, encourage you to negotiate what you want to have a percentage in this interest. Please assure me about his living in the highest secrecy so that my work will not be threatened. Please contact me by mуj personal e-mail: ( jeg1955@w.cn ) Sincere Regards, Jerry
  3. Smelly Ripa Rad Bitt wholly fucking shit.
  4. Just not full time. That's where watmm comes in. We provide a useful distraction, that plays an important part in the fight against RSI. I still meant full time.
  5. I just spilled orange juice on my work shirt and now it looks like I tried to pee straight up in the air.
  6. Yeah, plenty of us are masturbating already.
  7. what, like, in person? Looks like her phone was hacked. The FBI is investigating, because it's super important.
  8. My dad added a bunch of 17-19 years old slutty spambots on facebook. My dad, with teenage daughters.
  9. baph

    Now Reading

    Wanted some light reading, so I figured I'd finally wrap up the Dark Tower series, even though I know my enjoyment will decrease steadily the more I read. I read Books 1-4 between 1995 and 1997, from about 14-16 years old, and loved it. I read Book 5 roughly a year ago, age 29, and it was distinctly underwhelming. Now that I'm 30 I feel a strong urge to tie this particular loose end, for better or worse.
  10. baph

    Now Reading

    I don't think I've ever met a professor who could cite anything properly. It's usually [statement surrounded by quotes][note to grad student: find a quote like this from someone and cite it]
  11. Astral Disaster is so underrated it makes my penee hurt. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjUhXtQLJ80 SEA PRIESTESS Y U SO BEAUTIFUL
  12. baph

    Now Reading

    I loved Anathem in an unhealthy sort of way. Neal's new one is out in 15 days; is being hyped as a "straightforward" "thriller."
  13. This happens to me all the time. I guess... it's no stranger to you and me
  14. I have to work Sunday and Monday, which is supposed to be Labor Day, and I have jury duty on Tuesday, and for some fucking reason my girlfriend insists that we clean the fucking apartment this Saturday. She insists that we clean the fucking apartment every 2 weeks. It is completely impossible to clean the apartment the Saturday after this one so as to give me one day off to relax slightly--I mean get the groceries and dry-cleaning. Fuck this.
  15. baph

    Now Reading

    Gehen Or, Thomas Bernhard Strikes a Pose
  16. My only advice, to anyone, ever, is just: don't go to law school. Let me be a lesson to you all.
  17. If you make a new version, schools will buy the new version, so you make a new version every year. If you don't make a new version, the schools keep the old ones for years and you don't make money and the fancy private schools can't pretend they're giving students a cutting-edge education and distinguish themselves from dirty public schools, and then nobody goes to private schools and the private schools have no more students to bankrupt, and that's just fucking unamerican.
  18. 1) Glad to hear re: teh happy 2) Dear gawd, please start the ▲-D0RiT0▲ǂ҉▲t0WERz-▲project. Because I fucking like doritos!
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