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Everything posted by baph

  1. Is it a first world problem that that commercial makes me more depressed, or is that just really good marketing?
  2. Also by "sort of depressed" I mean holy shit I feel like that guy on the Cymbalta commercial who is about to kick his adorable dog who only wants to snuggle him :sobs:
  3. Disp, when you graduate and look at your student loan balance, you will then truly understand that you were never a student, you were a cash cow. And you will look at your bank account and realize that your milk has dried up, and that the IRS is shuffling you towards the death-reeking steel corridor to await your final contribution to society. And in those final moments, I will be there with you, as a kinsman kinscow, and we shall re-enact that scene with Gorman and Vasquez and the grenade in Aliens (I want to be Vasquez, though) and I will pull out the pin but unlike the Kate Bush song we'll both pretty much hate life at that point. Holy shit, I'm sort of depressed. I mean, things get better.
  4. It sounds like the key may be cut to the correct shape, but the "correct" shape has a structural week point, ie it gets too fucking narrow.
  5. Thanks. I'm actually 3 sessions in with a physical therapist. I haven't started seeing results yet, but I do feel a little better immediately following my exercises. I'm not 16 anymore. Fffuuuuuuu. I feel ya, man. I had some fucked up pinched nerve in my shoulder from using a goddamn mouse all day--and it's a fucking ergonomic mouse--and it was so fucked up that my right hand was spasming and twitching and going numb for two days. I thought I was going MJF. My girlfriend saw me worrying about going MJF and she, bless 'er 'art, shelled out some big bucks to surprise me with a deep tissue massage from some dude named Mario this weekend, and the guy was brutalizing my shoulder to the point where I could hear it popping every 30 seconds and I wanted to pee it hurt so much, but now my goddamn hand isn't going MJF anymore.
  6. the whole chatmm situation is a first world problem of the highest order self-ban requests, lol RIP KK, u bovvered tho?
  7. You should totally creepy-pseudorape Deckard the way he creepy-pseudorapes Rachael.
  9. I've got a scintillating scotoma blurring my vision so I know a fucking bruiser migraine is coming, which is actually kind of a real problem, but also I was trying to watch Conan the Barbarian and I'm going to have to not do that now.
  10. It should have Harrison Ford in it. But didn't he hate the working together with Ridley Scott? Actually, didn't everyone on the set hate working together with Ridley Scott? The last good Ridley Scott movie was Black Hawk Down... I think. I will never understand the love for Event Horizon. It is a fucking terrible movie. Just like every other Paul W.S. Anderson movie. No, the last good Ridley Scott movie was Blade Runner. The last good-ish Ridley Scott movie was Legend. Also, the last good Tony Scott movie was BLEEPBLEEP DOES NOT COMPUTE [you can use this to escape from old fashioned robots if you're ever chased by old fashioned robots]
  11. The hapless Swede who did that probably only had the Swedish coat of arms or some similar heraldry to use as a reference, hence the ridiculous tongue. And the rest of it probably looks ridiculous because Sweden is silly.
  12. but seriously...where can i hear this? We need to start that band. I call detuned Guitarrón
  13. ^ post achieves nose picking critical mass, booger mushroom cloud ensues
  14. I played it for my girlfriend in the car because I wanted to listen to something poppy, and she said it reminded her of rjd2.
  15. I typed my previous post in this thread on my three year old second generation iPhone, and it was a slightly unpleasant experience.
  16. i love those. The kimchi one is really good too. Shit's delicious. I don't think I can manage two lifestyle changes at once, but if you're used to going veggie you should have leg up. I have a friend who tried to quit cigs, energy drinks, and booze simultaneously. About a month later he was a full on speed freak. I guess all I'm saying is stay off the speed, disparaissant!
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