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Posts posted by baph

  1. The opening of the Walking Dead seemed like a pretty open and upfront attempt at homage/pastiche. I guess whether you think it's a rip-off is a question of your PoMosexuality more than anything, but that sort of borrowing is part of almost every modern zombie story. The great thing about the zombie genre is really how generic the crisis scenario is and yet how much a thoughtful writer can expand on that, heaping loads of meaning on that blank-slate threat (and the implied clearing of civilization's slate, etc).


    I haven't really read the Walking Dead, just a few bits here and there, but from what I gather it goes into a more extended meditation on post apocalyptic human culture than just about any other example from the genre. Maybe it doesn't, though; I dunno. 75 issues and counting is just too daunting for me at the moment. So I feel like a schmuck for saying this, but: looking forward to the TV show.

  2. I like the Netherlands and Dutch people, I was just trying to be ridiculous. Do they really get a bad rap? On my side of the pond I don't think there's really any preconceived notion about the Dutch aside from the "sexually liberated" aspect, which at least outside of the Bible Belt isn't too controversial.

  3. Fuck me, you were serious?


    I live in Los Angeles. I talk to and interact with and am friendly with people from more races than I can count. Everyone is basically the same. Obviously there are cultural differences, but those really don't run terribly deep in any metropolitan area. Most of the racial tensions I see are more the result of group-think than anything.


    I'm fairly certain it's a bit more culturally diverse here than in Slovenia, so, yeah.

  4. Have to disagree vigorously with your assessment, gaargie boy.


    The only group I've encountered that acts significantly differently from the rest of humanity is the goddamn Dutch. Pretty much every Dutch person ever, male or female, is exactly like that Dutch porn interviewee in the "Gush" Jam segment.



    He's doing the snot shot, and suddenly there's thish like look of real panic on his face. . . and he's shtaring down at his prick, and he's wimpering oh my god, oh my god, like thish, like a sadvoice freaky clown, with the tears in his voice but they are not there and it is tragic. . . . It took him three daysh to die, all the while he was flying the fuckjuuuuiccce and when they weighed his body it was about 20 kilos, which is no more than two or three squirrels. . . . This is why I only do shoft-cock now. Which is where you push it in with your thumb or a little spatula called a pinklepoker, and it is flaccid."


  5. I was the shy smart kid who didn't kill himself studying like the god-tier, abused-by-parents-to-get-into-Harvard/MIT smart kids, but who secretly wished he was more dedicated like them, and who everyone thought was a bit off because nobody got his fucking jokes, and who was too chubby to get any attention from the ladies, and who only had a few consistent/close friends, and who used to get picked on by everyone for some bizzaro rumor that got started god-knows-how, and who somehow just managed to avoid suicide or joining the local Trenchcoat Mafia No. 66, until senior year, when people realized he was alright and the girls actually kind of liked him, but at which point he was the least confident human being on the planet, and consequently, who had to pull the pieces of his personality together in the first year or two of college.


    edit: 13-17 sucked so much.

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