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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by xox

  1. OMG...could it be better than Untilted?! I'm afraid to even think something like that but...but...b Yes, yes # too soon to tell. The bad thing is i like the samples too much at first listening.
  2. I agree... it could be the very welcome sparkle of light is this apparently very dark album.
  3. xox


    Joyrex doesn't like it.
  4. I have it and I'm sharing it. .....................................................................NOT
  5. that's objectively impossible, their back catalog is just too strong. I'm busting you both for wanton hyperbole. Well, played, Sir. No, seriously. This takes a huge, massive dump on Oversteps and especially Quatis-whateverthefuckitscalled. Best AE since Amber and LP5. AE fans will be deliriously happy with how dense and well-crafted these tracks are. And this is, without a doubt, the first AE album (I think) sounds just as good through a pair of headphones as it does on a good hi-fi system with decent speakers. This is very exaiting. I definitely respect Oversteps. I understood it. It was incredible. But I didn't really "like" it. Quaristice was really shitty actually. I don't have a leak. this was actually a nice surprise that arrived in my inbox the other day. Yes, that's right - after EP7 and then Cornhole, I really lost the AE faith in the direction they were taking their sound. Daft Derp-30 and Quarter-sized didn't give me much hope of AE ever returning to their old sound, and then Oversteps and Move of Ten renewed my AE faith. I consider AE akin to a foreign cuisine; sometimes hard to swallow and unapproachable, but every now and then you try something that knocks your socks off and you can't get enough of it. Don't get me wrong; I greatly respect them for doing their own thing, but if I don't like it, I simply don't like it. Nothing wrong with that. However, I am very, very pleased with Exai and cannot wait to purchase the digital versions when they are released, despite having access to them already. I try and support the artists as much as I can. but what about untelturd???? so yeah i actually have nothing to say i just realized. carry on. I'll just go crank it in the corner. bye Yeah, Utittied was forgettable, at best. Trust me, after you've listened to Exai the 10th time through (and trust me, you WILL), you'll pretty much forget any other AE release prior to it. WoW...Untilted is my favorite pace of music made in the last 100 yrs, following closely by Draft and Confield... I was reeeeeaaaally impatient to hear Exai but now I'm very frightened cause you're not even close enchanted by the above-mentioned albums as I am.
  6. Doesn't remeber Untilted at all, he does remember Draft and Quristice but doesn't like them and he likes Exai...?! I'm not sure i like what i'm reading! :( You've preordered only NOW??? M-U-T-H-A-F-U-C-K-A-H... Didn't Joyrex only just say he was going to pre-order the digitals after receiving the promo.... What do you want from Joyrex. He doesn't even remember that such album as Untilted existed between D7.30 and Quarterscity.
  7. My Brainwavz M4 (in-ear) just arrived :) What are you getting?
  8. I may be wrong but i think they've abandoned that approach...i remember they even said something about that in one interview. :(
  9. Exactly! Every time someone comments the track i have to listen to it again...with ''What does he talking about?!'' attitude. I'm astonished how different can we perceive things.
  10. That didn't help. I'm typing this in paradise....it's a 15-min soccer halftime right now and i just wanted to see if it leaked.
  11. Horrible near-death noises of Saturn in a moment of eating his child?!
  12. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, The olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. So, i understand if you read it wrongly.
  13. I heard that Japaneses are considerably affected by the promo. Instead leaking it to the net they've decided to fill its foreheads with it. Damn!
  14. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="gl0tch" data-cid="1937398" data-time="1359030313"><p> Anyways, here's what I really want to know... Is the song structure jammy (directionless?) like Quaristice (I sort of remember Rob saying it was recorded straight first and edited later), OR does it sound like Unitlted or Oversteps where they have more form (songs?) and sound like they were deliberately composed on a computer?</p></blockquote> I really hope it the second.
  15. I can't take this shit any more! Everybody talks shit without any proof...This guy Aserinsky is unbelievable! That shit written on the paper can't be a proof that bin Laden is dead, just can't... O:K: That's it! I'm calling oscillik so watch out! Wait, just wait... o boy... O___________s_c________i__l_________l____i__k!
  16. Well, where were you all the time? Just don't tell me you have a life...
  17. He heard the music already and he complains?!?!?! Ultimate near-death impudence!
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