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Everything posted by jeremymacgregor87

  1. Coming up blank on this, can only think of NIN's "Still" EP (a stretch, I know). Some Dead Can Dance hits a similar spot for me
  2. Cool, what I've read so far has been very whimsical so I welcome the change
  3. Not heard of either of those, thanks
  4. Hi watmm I'm currently now reading Stanislaw Lem's Cyberiad, a collection of cautionary tech tales / scifi short stories.
  5. Watched Synecdoche, New York for probably the fifth or sixth time in the midst of something of a Philip Seymour Hoffman marathon... still one of my favourite movies. This one really taps into some truth, some of the blackest comedy I've ever seen, gives me the biggest feels, and I love how it just kind of disconnects in the last half hour. Charlie Kaufman you dog
  6. Couldnt catch that nintendo direct, anyone want to sum it up?
  7. Ya it's addictive as hell. Just now reached lvl. 49 as a Siren, and found a shock Maliwan plasma caster (E-Tech SMG) in one of the chests. My goal is to reach OP8 @ lvl. 72. Damn I sound like a geek. I'm not much for shooters but I find the pacing in these game keeps me coming back
  8. The Godfather - good The Godfather Part II - better The Imposter - disturbing (good), but the dramatisations were a bit much Mr Death - excellent A Dirty Shame - happy disgusting wow This Film Is Not Yet Rated - anger The Devil and Daniel Johnston - sweater Gravity - space Dead Man's Shoes - shoe ^ 8/10 average
  9. this and this fried my brain so now I'm settling down with this and this
  10. Dallas Buyers Club - pretty decent story but kind of empty as a movie... doesn't help that Jennifer Garner is in it. The whole thing came off a bit like oscar bait what with the phwaoo method acting of McConaughey. The film just made me a bit mad and disappointed which I guess was kinda the point. 8\13 ringing ears
  11. "post your most recent broken taxidermy"
  12. OK HI. I just finished Okami HD and while it dragged a little with some of the cutscenes, overall I thought it was bloody excellent - loved the combat, especially all the different glaives etc. So now I need you to help me find a new ps3 game. I'm currently grinding through Deadly Premonition, but this is really a game I can only play every now and then.... reaaaaaally winds me up. I'd like something along the lines of a massive explorable world ala Zelda games or a town\city building game along the lines of age of empires or sim city, but NO stressful micromanaging bullshit or constant threat of my town getting overrun by zergs or whatever. I just want a pretty chilled out game basically, but where I can make a nice little town and roam around a bit. HAVE AT IT WATMM
  13. Haven't made it there yet. Man some of the later stages are hard as shit! I think I've got 15 stars to go and they're all on the final (not final) world
  14. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Wii U. I don't play games like this very often but this seems pretty fun. very grindy and crafting is nuanced.
  15. Most fancy pants beer I've tried is probably that infinium or maybe a holgate beelzebub. I do like Nail stout though and they do have that in different vintages at my go-to store. Gotta remind myself that these are aussie prices though, so that $150 nail is probably like $60 elsewhere
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