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Everything posted by jeremymacgregor87

  1. wow beautiful what kind of liquids did you use ?Thanks, just some oils and dyes
  2. So I just got a gaming pc, can anyone recommend some games? I'm a big fan of Zelda, Metroid, Minecraft, and weird indie things like Flow and Journey. Thanks
  3. dumb starbucks was one of the best things I've seen in a while this show is hilarious
  4. Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia - I've been meaning to read up on the guy, and after watching this I'm going to, starting with his political novels. Interesting discussion about his comradery/rivalry with hitchens
  5. Recommendations on where to start with China Meiville?
  6. Great book. Have you read "If on a Winter's Night a Traveler..."? One of my all-time favourites. Calvino was a genius. I have not. This is indeed a beautiful book, I guess I'll move on to that one next I loved that one! I'm reading "Raisons pratiques" by Pierre Bourdieu and am looking forward to a bunch of Henri Lefebvre stuff I'm going to borrow from my girlfriend. I'm due for a refresher on both of them
  7. I got Wonderful 101 as my free game in the mario kart 8 promotion. Damn this game is intense. At times immensely frustrating and challenging, but it packs all the fun and invention platinum games is known for
  8. Doesn't really compete with some of the mayhem posted in this thread already, but I tried to make some burgers the other day. Leicester cheese and fried shallot on an adobo beef patty. Turned out OK
  9. it doesn't need to be boozy like that though, some brewers just play that up. I've had some excellent light-bodied bocks. When it's boozy and hoppy it can be a lot to stomach
  10. booziest beer i've had in a while. this thing's rich
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