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Posts posted by joshuatxuk

  1. 1 hour ago, cyanobacteria said:

    luckily, or rather unluckily, fascism is not a spectacular revolutionary force which changes the status quo and seizes power through its actions alone but rather a bourgeois tactic applied against the proletariat during times of severe contradictions of capital causing threats to the capitalist status quo itself, requiring its applications to maintain property relations

    Fascism is capitalism in decline, but I can't help but completely fill this is too nonchalant. Reichstag Fire was power seized through actions. So were the years of assassination, street violence, mob threats and other tactics of browns shirts in Italy and Germany both. The fascists who ruled Spain for decades did so via a violent coup as did numerous right-wing dictatorships during the cold war in Chile, Brazil, ROK, etc.

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  2. 58 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

    The last Republican with any kind of moral fiber?


    I saw someone explain it well: he's stayed the same and the GOP bar just goes lower and lower. Romney is still a bastard but he's got his standards. He's a litmus test if anything. When Trump ran I'd hope the GOP would split. The reality is all but a handful completely fell in line. He's one of the few outliers and arguably the last still in office in the Senate. Justin Amash is similar in the house, still in office but left the GOP.

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  3. 1 hour ago, sheatheman said:

    I feel like all these people need to be strapped down in a movie theater and forced to watch Schindler’s List and the Pianist for 2 weeks while being force fed matzo ball soup. 

    They'll come out with some explanation that the Holocaust was a hoax but claim they don't hate Jews because matzo ball soup is awesome.

    1 minute ago, ignatius said:

    so she was a Qanon in deep. so crazy. that shit is wrecking lives. 

    Yeah that is def a recent radicalization which does back up your original assessment. 

    Qanon was never going to end quietly

  4. 28 minutes ago, auxien said:

    she was a veteran.... saw more than one tweet from the rioters who were proclaiming they were proud former military/vets who were now going full on insurrectionists/MAGA idiots/militiamen. 

    that is the sort of shit that's worrying, that ties much of the larger problems in America together. our obsession with this national violence mindset, trillions of dollars to 'national defense' and so forth. 9/11 and all that lead up to it and was done in its name after....it's all just a fucking twisted knot of disgusting power pushed onto the citizens, constantly.

    This, we've lived under a nightmare-ish military-industrial complex for half a century and are approaching 20 years into an endless war. 

    4 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    it's nuts. a seemingly well disciplined educated person sworn to duty in the military totally taken over by the horse shit of conspiracy, rhetoric from the president and the media.. to the point of storming the building that represents and carries out the business of government as instructed by the constitution which she was sworn to defend. 


    Yes and no. I wouldn't be shocked if she was like this before she joined. My guess is she's been this way since at least Obama was elected. She's a self-described libertarian and yet was a 14 year veteran of what is arguably the most unnecessary, bureaucratic, money pit entity of the U.S. federal government. There's a lot of hyper-projection and ultra-contradictory people like this who are veterans and/or pro-military. They are just authoritarian right-wingers straight up. The Tea Party and MAGA movements recruited more sure but they've always been around. John Birch Society, militia movement, etc.

    The OK City bomber was an army vet. The first deadly Boogaloo terrorist attack was conducted by an active duty USAF security forces member. There have been numerous neo-Nazi militants discovered in active-duty military service. Germany uncovered a right-wing cell in their spec ops community a couple years ago. 

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  5. 32 minutes ago, Cryptowen said:

    i respect the point you're making here (indeed I recognize a lot of weak conditioned thinking in my worldview that i'm still unpacking). Largely agree but will offer a partial pushback: part of my reluctance to identify too strongly with particular movements is the fact that I have an extremely non-verbal understanding of the world. In many areas of my life I do in fact have a sense of inner directionality but I'm often very hesitant to attempt to explicate that directionality in words. also outwardly identifying with something can lead to problems relating to people: many will immediately disregard anything you have to say if they feel like they can reduce you to an ideological actor. I'm not interested in that, at least not in my personal interactions. I want to get to better understand people's worldviews, see what I can incorporate into my own understanding - and to do that I find I have to often present myself in a somewhat neutral fashion, to some degree open myself up nonjudgementally to whatever comes up. That doesn't mean that I consider myself fundamentally neutral in my understanding of the world or the macro-level events going on in it, just that my micro-level strategy day to day tends to favour a certain degree of fluid ambiguity.

    I consider myself leftist in the broadest sense for that reason. My disdain for identity politics is way, way too strong to really wear anything on my sleeve. Core beliefs are important though, they serve as a filter when you do honestly and openly listen to everyone you encounter. 

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  6. 12 hours ago, Braintree said:

    Theory is fine and everything, but you need to keep in mind that it isn't concrete. It's not a hard science. It's not a science at all. I consider myself a socialist, but I arrived at that point after reading history, the news, and how things actually work. I fucking hate the "comrade," "bourgeoisie," "proletariat" speak. It's almost as if a lot of people got into it for the aesthetics rather than the content. And don't get me started on how 'bourgeoisie' isn't even applicable anymore. If you can't think for yourself then you can at least pick an ideology applicable to your own fucking century.

    I get most excited about socialism and communism when I think about future hypotheticals and the prospect of ending capitalism. Also historically reading up on more anarchist and syndicalist movements is more invigorating (yet also more tragic) especially outside of East Europe and China where communism was a hard pivot away from brutal feudalism and regressive-ness. I view the USSR and the SFRY in particular as tragic "what could have been" entities. I view Rojava and MAREZ with cautious hope. 

    Left in-fighting is exhausting. Hell I got posting ability revoked of a socialist subreddit despite previously well-received posts because I mentioned being pragmatically a supporter of DSA and SocDem while having socialism as my core ideology. Leftism should be fluid and it can be fluid without compromising. Unfortunately many people conflate the two in both practice and skepticism. 

    Also I must admit I like the phrase "comrade" because it's pretty broad and it neatly replaces the increasingly outdated sir/ma'am gendering. I've thinking about saying it more IRL. 

  7. 24 minutes ago, azatoth said:

    I think Trump has been huffing his own conspiratorial farts, Pence can't do shit to about the vote.

    Agreed, Pence isn't that dumb. He wants a stable post-VP career and either run again or join the fray as a pundit or lobbyist

    Trump's post-election tone is a trip but it's not a shock. It's what it looks like when a person who is perpetually deluded and egomaniacal is deprived getting what they want. He's failed plenty in the past but always had another venture or some other venue to move on. This is the first time we've seen him desperately and frantically denying reality in person one tweet at a time. It's both frightening and hilarious and a reminder why this asshole had to go. 

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  8. If there's one figure in hip-hop MF Doom reminds me of it's Kool Keith. Not just the obvious similarities with their prolific work under various aliases, unabashed weirdness and distinct flows but also their similar career arcs. Both were part of seminal late 80s groups and went quiet for years before their solo careers took off. Two very different and distinct rappers though.

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  9. 59 minutes ago, markedone said:

    Those are simultaneously pretty terrible but also endearing.. so of-the-time.  I didnt catch any doom verses- did he do production or something?  Because the KMD i've heard he is rapping

    Doom is in the video for Gas Face from 2:49 onward. He went by Zev Love X during that era and maybe would had that as his "default" alias if his brother hadn't had such an untimely death. 3rd Bass help get KMD discovered and signed.

    He and his brother DJ Subroc both produced. Just skim his "Special Herbs and Spices" releases to see how much he produced himself.

    According to DJ Subroc's wiki he was credited as "KMD" for when he produced, even if by himself. This was for legal reasons as he wasn't yet 18, but Zev and likely Onyx were (Rodan was also still in high school when KMD was signed). So that second track is likely him or Zev Love X or both but not specified. 

    3rd Bass is one of those musical groups with a fairly "flash in the pan" but legitimate run. Two gold records and the other big "legit" white rapper group. Incidently they feuded with Beastie Boys despite trying to work with them initially - they dissed both the Beastie Boys for signing to Capitol and later Vanilla Ice for his pop approach. They were heralded for the later and the video has a Henry Rollins cameo. The former not so much... we all know how much bigger the Beastie Boys became and they successfully transitioned into the 90s when so many other golden era groups, ones from NYC especially, broke up or winded down. MC Serch has some great stories on YT and hosted "The White Rapper Show" years ago which was both terrible and excellent and prime late 00s / early 10s reality tv. 


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  10. I'm speechless. Appears he passed on Halloween. I bonded with a lot of people over his music in particular. Still vividly remember seeing him in Austin almost 15 years ago. I actually know the exact moment I came across him. I saw a review for Madvilliany on allmusic.com in 2004. Downloaded it, probably via DC++ and was completely hypnotized by his rapping. He's not GOAT objectively but in a certain way he is for me. There's also not denying there is no one quite like him. Not just the personas and eclecticism but his sheer quality and output including his vast catalog of production. I remember talking to someone at a party who wasn't a fan of his rapping but said "but he's an excellent producer, he's made some of my favorite beats." 

    DOOM's career was always haunted by his younger brother's death, so much so he became "MF DOOM" in the wake of years of reclusiveness after DJ Subroc was killed. He lost his own son in 2017 and now we mourn his. Death has been something of a bookend to the bulk of his career, a career with an immeasurable amount of influence and inspiration on so many.



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  11. On 8/4/2020 at 8:13 PM, President Squidward said:

    lmao ikr... way back in the mid 00's. Though I'll REALLY feel old in like 10-15 years when being an 8 year old was 30 years ago. ?

    It's crazy how long Spongebob and Pokemon has maintained popularity, I suppose things like Barbie and GI Joe were similar. Star Wars too - part of my step away from being a super fan is just embracing the fact that it's a vessel for toys, video games, legos, models, etc. 

    Besides Hot Wheels/Matchbox sized cars I can't think of a toy more omnipresent than Lego. My kids are getting into them more and more. I find his figures all over the house. He's 5 now and getting more of a hang with following the directions by himself. Help him build this one recently:


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  12. On 12/21/2020 at 3:40 AM, Blir said:

    The reveal was good and I generally like The Mandalorian overall but it's a shame it's bringing in Jedi's and lightsabres and stuff now. I kinda wanted it to be a separate thing within the Star Wars universe. I am sick of the action scenes of countless stormtroopers being mindlessly executed too. If Mando wasn't completely indestructible it might have a sense of threat. Like, that bit on the truck in the Burr episode when he didn't have his armour was the best action scene all season I think.

    I have a feeling the Book of Boba Fett is going to steer back into that "hive of scum and villainy aspect." I assume Mandalorian Season 3 is going to be Mandalore driven.

    Honestly the season finale was the best thing Disney has done with the franchise. That conclusion made up for the underwhelming anti-climatic mess that was Rise of Skywalker. Sealed my opinion that the Mandalorian series is the best live action media since the original trilogy. 

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  13. On 12/21/2020 at 9:27 AM, Cryptowen said:

    i wanna see generative star wars sequels where its 9 hours of wandering thru what looks like the windows maze screensaver but with lightsabers, stormtroopers,yogas etc appearing randomly, scraps of vaguely coherent dialogue & what have you. no discernable plot beyond constant progression. basically recreate the feeling of being a 16 year old insomaniac staying up til 4AM reading wookiepedia & being like "i have no idea what any of this means but some of the nouns are familiar"

    if SW content beyond lackluster new trilogies is stuff like this I'm ok with that

  14. On 12/19/2020 at 7:30 PM, Hugh Mughnus said:

    Has Gene Rodenberry’s estate sued them yet for the blatant rip-off of the Star Trek insignia? ?‍♂️?

    Actually it's just using the USAF Space Command logo that already existed and has looked that way since 1961 before Star Trek came out. https://spacenews.com/u-s-space-force-says-its-new-seal-is-not-a-starfleet-knockoff/

    This fact does not detract from the reality that Space Force is a joke - not it's role so much as it's a a redundant commend and a needless, deluded move that served nothing but a PR machine for Trump and the MIC. The US Air Force, NASA, NRO, and USSPACECOM was already doing 99.9% of Space Force's "new" mission. 

    Space force's main accomplishment has been printing new merchandise for the venn diagram overlap of Elon Musk fanboys and MAGA dipshits.

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  15. On 12/20/2020 at 12:02 AM, Zephyr_Nova said:

    That's where I thought "this has to be parody."  It's impossible to tell anymore.  The US is a parody of movies that parody the US.

    I saw this in their feed. It's like AI generated satire. Her twitter bio says "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude" which is meta AF as she's the "Senior VP Media & Content Washington Football Team" the sports franchise that literally has a [insert name here] logo after finally retiring their racist mascot.

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