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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by joshuatxuk

  1. 11 hours ago, NewYorkNowhere said:

    That cover art tho

    Bankhead did the left, Robert Beatty did both Currents and Magic. Dude's awesome, before his cover art career took off he was a DIY tape scene fixture both as a musician and visual artist. He's done art for both big acts and more obscure underground acts. He also uses an 00s era computer with photoshop he scored for free IIRC (or really, really cheap, it was a university desktop that was being replaced and otherwise trashed)

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  2. 10 hours ago, fumi said:

    Description of this album has me thinking it's a return to form.

    Hopefully this will be awesome (if the the below is to be believed)



    yeah overall this fills like he's coming full circle to his sunsetcorp and eccojams era work

    On 9/23/2020 at 1:02 PM, Friendly Stranger said:

    Give me more of what's teased on that Instagram preview! I respect what he's doing with the poppier, more refined sound but my personal preferences lean toward the weird, experimental, retro sounds. The teaser gave me some Odd Nosdam vibes. 

    I can hear that

  3. On 9/21/2020 at 6:26 PM, Zephyr_Nova said:

    If this isn't sampled extensively on the new album I'll be very disappoint.

    Also, how did he get away with sampling a McD commercial on Replica, among various other corporate jingle snippets?  Seems implausible that that would happen without lawsuits springing up everywhere.

    It was released on his label Software which was an imprint of Mexican Summer. One of the owners of Mexican Summer is literally an heir to a distillery and beverage conglomerate worth billions which is why the label can maintain a nice in-house studio and NYC office. Maybe they weren't too concerned about paying out any lawsuits and/or represses because of the coffer available.  

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  4. On 9/20/2020 at 11:32 AM, Nebraska said:

    lots of level headed patriots giving their 2cents if biden becomes dictator


    1:50 is the most frustrating, there's a few MAGA folks like this who are actually motivated by the naïve deluded idea that they are helping. While I can appreciate that sentiment over the more typical "own the libs" reactionary zeal it's also incredibly ignorant and self-serving. 2:07 is a fair take. I don't mind the "I'll move to Panama" take either, but it's incredibly privileged. The rest the same incredible projection and weird emboldened "we're helping this country" nonsense. These folks are fairly tame and that's saying a lot.

  5. 2 hours ago, joseph said:



    Food for thought, not perfect but a good primer: https://medium.com/@mikeselinker/a-wargame-designer-describes-our-four-possible-civil-wars-cf5b2e980099

    I'm mentally preparing for martial law. I also expect the U.S. military not to support Trump but not force him out either - I think they will find themselves floundering the entire time the election is contested. There's no precedent to this and ironically the top brass will feel constrained and limited by what they can constitutionally do whereas the Republicans won't hesitate at all to further double-down. The U.S. military won't split up into warring factions either the way they did in the U.S. Civil War or in the Spanish Civil War. It will look more like 1993 Russian unrest or worse the post-Yugoslavian wars or Syria.

    Few reasons for this: 1. It's not the small local/state regimental system it was before WWI, it's now a massive federalized force. 2. In the past the U.S. army pretty much stays uninvolved and comes in to restore order after the fighting, and not as a neutral force, as they did in Blair Mountain or during the Bonus Army massacre. 3. Nukes and advanced weapons. The U.S. military's focus will be to secure those, keep troops in line, and secure the country from outside intervention, and in terms of priorities an illegally elected president and thousands of civilian deaths from civil strife is a moot point compared to losing a nuke or fleet of fighter planes or a unit of tanks. 

    Instead of Biden vs Trump camps of the military going to war you'll have defections and soldiers going AWOL, maybe some rogue units too, in order to join right-wing militias and the hard right lead law enforcement agencies that will support Trump. A lot of those who oppose Trump will likely resign or go AWOL / refuse orders to deploy for riot control.

    There will be vigilante attacks and killings, some violence and pushback in pockets of liberal and left strongholds where Trump supporters will go in armed. Deep red regions will become very scary places for anyone who speaks openly and/or is in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

    That's just my 2 cents. Best case scenario we get Florida 2000 again and an ugly media storm and political shitfest before Trump is dragged out and QAnon rhetoric and outright threats from the right will be 10x worst than it is now. A lot of politicians will get death threats or actually attacked. I just hope that the death toll from shootings, bombings, and police brutality in the streets are minimal. 

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  6. 7 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    psyops. from the right or russia.. or a troll. 

    after the silk road dread pirate roberts fiasco and ross ulbricht being the patsy for that.. i assumed Q could really be anyone. it's easy enough to fool people on the internet. 



    12 minutes ago, cichlisuite said:

    Qanon always struck me as some sort of intelligence operation.

    It's both? Governments and political movements rarely create stuff like this from scratch, they instead co-opt, appropriate and exploit existing movements. This is no different, it's just had a greatly accelerated timeline. 

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  7. On 9/22/2020 at 6:32 PM, Braintree said:

    Robbie Martin (Fluorescent Grey) was on Tim Heidecker's stream talking about Q and QAnon: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/119-emergency-nighttime-office-hours-with-robbie-martin/id1153746716?i=1000485585041

    Nice, I need to see what he's been up too. Not surprised Media Roots Radio has always been insightful and tenacious in that kind of reporting. Abbey Martin has been on JRE and I think on Heidecker's show as well. 

    Worst Year Ever (Behind the Bastards spinoff) did a great episode with an expert on Aum Shinrikyo who has seen parallels to QAnon. She was a bit stiff but informative and totally predicted how influential and dangerous QAnon was going to become over a year ago. She mentioned how crazy the Aum Shinrikyo era hysteria was, I knew of the bombing but apparently it reached a fair number of citizens as a movement.

    TrueAnon has been all over coverage of the actual Epstein scandals and connection. Another Bay area podcast.

    • Like 2
  8. this is a shot in the dark but awhile ago someone posted a skateboarding video part, fairly recent, and it ended with the skater doing a big ass darkslide down a stairway ledge

    anyone know who it was?

  9. 12 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

    Only if you let it go back to the neoliberal slumber. Substantive change to engrained systems requires sustained and concentrated effort. (josh, i realize this isn't your quote, just happened to copy it from your post).

    It's not but I agree completely, kudos to @Valleyfold for the succint take

  10. 3 hours ago, ignatius said:

    the trump cruise type thing has happened several times over the last 4 or 5 years. they get all hyped up to wave their flags from their trucks and come drive around portland. most of them are from washington. don’t even live here. usually it’s just posturing and stupidity but they have attacked people in the past. one year some gay kid got beat up on the sidewalk.  it’s really thug bully type shit. a way to puff out their chests and them go home and drink a beer and talk about themselves like they're tough people or something. 

    it's like you're at a BBQ w/a bunch of friends who have kids and the kids are slap fighting and not listening and so the BBQ gets ruined for the adults. 

    portland is well known for being a very open tolerant livable city where people can be themselves and that's that.. so it's a target for intolerant racists who want bully people. it's trolling plain and simple. 

    It seems to be way more overt and aggressive in blue states: Cali, Pacific NW, the NYC "regatta." Like this stuff is here in Texas too but I've noticed it's only in organized conveys to specifically provoke or upset. 

    For example the one trip I took this summer was to Bolivar Penisula, it's a fairly rural and remote section of Texas coastline, almost all beach home rentals and docks. Hung out there with my father and brother in law. It's always been prone to Confederate flag shit-kickers, rednecks, and oil & gas CHUDs but this year it was MAGA, blue lives matter, and "come and take" 2A shit all over. Even teen kids, the kind who listen to late 90s butt rock while drive their 4x4 Polaris toys. As my wife quipped "lol, and they think liberals are the weird ones"

    The day I saw the most? Fucking Juneteenth. That was no coincidence. Bush era sucked but I'll say this, I didn't have to deal with people driving in trucks with flags saying FUCK YOUR FEELINGS and staring me down hoping I'd react. In front of my kids too. I just completely ignored them while drinking a beer. When they are old enough to read it'll be impossible to not have to explain to them that some people are godawful. It was funny my kid likes flags a lot and wanted to get one but besides a Jimmy Buffet Margarittaville flag all of the flags for sale were right-wing jingoistic horseshit. I was like "nah, these are all kind of bad flags, expect the parrot one" Next day he was like "let's get a nice flag later, like an American flag or something." 

    • Like 3
  11. 10 hours ago, Valleyfold said:

    Nothing is going to happen if Biden wins, a few months in he becomes a vegetable, Harris becomes the first woman president and we go back to neoliberal slumber. If Trump wins shit will really hit the fan. 

    Yes, although we're going to see some sporadic Qanon and/or far-right violence in forms of shootings, terrorist attacks, etc. He's going to make a spectacle of leaving office too. If he legally gets elected I don't even want to imagine the empowerment of his base and their allies in office and in military and law enforcement are going to feel. I am most scared for those in deep red areas who can't leave.

  12. 15 hours ago, timbre monke said:

    They pretty much had to. Even if the major charges get dropped he's guilty of unlawful possession, breaking curfew, crossing state lanes with a weapon, etc. Cynically I expect some affluenza horseshit defense or mental illness (kid was clearly deluded and raised that way) and him being a lionized right-wing figure for life akin to Zimmerman or [insert pardoned convicted SEAL war criminal here]. That's worst case though.

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