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Posts posted by joshuatxuk

  1. 1 hour ago, hijexx said:

    I thought Texas awarded electoral votes based on the state's popular vote? They do it based on districts?

    Nebraska does I think, I keep seeing it with gray lines on maps.

    The election rules and methods vary from state to state, besides a few firm things in the constitution and some key acts about it it's very decentralized and wildly different from state to state.

  2. 1 hour ago, zero said:

    fuckin Texas man...can't believe I bought into the hype that this might be the year for the state to turn blue. just looked at the election results map by county and sure enough, red everywhere but near the big cities and the RGV. 

    the kicker is the turnout is so much better, that's the shitty thing about being a "purple state"

    keep in mind most of those red counties literally have smaller populations than a large apartment complex or subdivision in a blue metropolitan county

    Texas didn't flip as many seats as 2018 but it didn't lose any either. GOP turnout was upped by MAGA stans who would not have bothered to vote for Romney or McCain previously.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 minutes ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

    And Arizona just changed to Biden with 99% votes counted!!

    Thank fuck ?

    Or wait Arizona was already dem? I’m confusing myself with all the different sources sorry ☹️ 

    Arizona is like the hybrid of New Mexico (reliably Blue but with lot of conservatives) and Texas (reliably Red but with a lot of liberals). It's a big deal that he won there IMO. There's some very right-wing pockets of the SW in general.

    This feels like a college football game in OT. I hate it.

    • Like 4
  4. I never got around to posting this anywhere but this music has a vocal part with a similar timbre and tone as Devil is in the Details. It's not totally out of the realm of possibility they heard this tape via their crate digging and tape trading habits.


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  5. I forgot to post this earlier>>>

    Here's my track by track impressions. Should have gone to bed but I just had to listen to this now:

    "Cross Talk I" - nothing new in terms of concept, reminds me of a litany of similar plunderphonics tuning intros like the hidden one from UNKLE's Psyence Fiction He made it nice and succinct and it's carefully edited and mixed.

    "Auto & Allo" - nice build up and transition from the tone set by "Cross Talk," have some R+7 flashbacks toward the end.

    "Long Road Home" - The percussion, tempo, and vocoder + almost baroque sounding synth lines and strings harkens the better tracks from Jackson and His Computerband's unfortunately lukewarm received and disappointing comeback album Glow. Really well made and produced, dynamic structure as usual but nothing mind blowing for me.

    "Cross Talk II" - vocal effects / meddling reminds me of the intro to Com Truise's "Brokendate" but with far more insightful words. Ends with some sample likely from 70s era piano music from a library music record or station bump or god knows what vaguely familiar but hopelessly unknown incidental music.

    "I Don't Love Me Anymore" - man I am fucking obsessed with this song, something about this really resonates. Unless I'm completely forgetting past work I haven't heard anything quite like this from him. Haunting decaying synths in the background sound like something from a long lost Memory Tapes. There's an emotional angst to the vocals that reminds me of Elite Gymnastics / Default Genders. Overall hard to pin down blender of styles and genres, prime hauntological pop. Favorite track so far.

    "Bow Ecco" - beautiful and fleshed out interlude track, the palette of sounds are the kind I could easily listen to a whole release of.

    "The Whether Channel" - another nod to the cultural minutia of vaporwave? TDiggin the shift of mellow bubbly ambient to stretched out blissful drone then back again, made me realize how much stuff like paulstretch is used for music making. Heavy sunset corp vibes at 3:25 in the edited glitched out loops. Then a very Dean Blunt sounding beat and vocal delivery at the end that fades out into some choir and radio AM fuzz. Interesting suite.

    "No Nightmares" - OHHH WHATCHA SAYYYY - another nice not super heavy-hand transition from the last song. Getting HUWD era M83 vibes on this in terms of mixing and structure at the beginning. Hate to say this but I'd probably like the instrumental of this as much if not slightly more though the Weeknds vocals fit in nicely but too nicely. Like pleasant but needless topping, would have been curious if they considered running them through effects.

    "Cross Talk" - muzak / easy listening / dr office music / background music / library music ~ the media we so frequently absorbed and passively connected with emotionally but never acknowledged. That's what I feel so much of his eccojams and peers work in vaporwave / chillwave / plunderphonics tapped into. Like remembering things everyone else forgot and discarded. Hell, the music he heard via Magic 106.7 so long ago might still be carrying off somewhere in space.

    "Tales From The Trash Stratum" - very stirring and interesting track, def a dive back into his more experimental tendencies. This one referenced a YT playlist he had on his sunset corp channel.

    "Answering Machine" - Beatles' #9 but sourced from you mom's old voicemail tapes? I dunno.

    "Imago" - Plunderphonics and sampling of a more Replica era vibe. Digging the tape hiss on this one. Getting Dalhous and 1991 vibes on this with the decaying tape. Goddamn that music that comes in at the end is haunting. Another standout track.

    "Cross Talk IV / Radio Lonelys" - def more of a Negativeland / Wobbly / Cassetteboy culture jamming and mash-up oriented plunderphonics interlude.

    "Lost But Never Alone" - similar bent as GoD era work, starts off great but more innocuous lo-fi electronic pop (reminded me a bit of Orchid Mantis) but shifts to a darker tone more it the vein of Tobacco or a litany of post-witch house and goth/coldwave revial music of the last decade. The grunge synthtar-esque solo at the end was a nice surprise.

    "Shifting" beginning makes me want to watch 90s era Sci-Fi channel and play mortal combat. This is the Arca one isn't it? Weird haunting but comforting vibe, vocals beyond Arca's previous work also harken the "don't be afraid" sample from Burial's song "Come Down With Us" from his masterpiece Rival Dealer.

    "Wave Idea" - nature sample loops almost give me a Boards of Canada vibe, especially as it transitions effortlessly to instruments and more made made sounding horns (I think?)

    "Nothing's Special" - evocative and thought-provoking title, I need to pour over the actual lyrics in detail later. Haunting especially in the context of what we've just heard and the references overall to his own past music and the past radio broadcast media and how, even if it's digitized or stored on tape somewhere, is eventually bound to be left alone and forgotten. Especially before the last 10-15 years most of what anyone listened to or watched by chance via local and live radio lives on solely in your fragmented memory. It's wild for me to remember existing pre-internet. Sometimes I literally day dream now in my 30s of being a 8 or 9 year old and the headspace I had then. Watching tv, listening to the radio, simply witnessing stuff IRL and knowing that beyond anyone else who was there with me those memories were mine and mine alone even though if it was via broadcast media thousands and even millions of others experienced it. It didn't have to be reiterated via social media and then redundantly amplified via likes and shares of recorded video, texts, tweets, posts, etc. That sound of click off at the end of album is fitting, it reminds me of that movement when my parents turned off the tv and I was back to being completely off-line and alone with my thoughts and feelings. No barrage of media via IG or reddit scrolling that I'm still prone to now.

    This is def one of his more memorable releases for me, I think the concept was less obtuse but still very deep. Def recommend anyone who like this or the theme to it to check out "I Trawl The Megahertz" by Paddy McAloon / Prefab Sprout  - different musically but really, really similar melancholy and reflective tone.

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  6. 24 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

    I’m gonna get myself a donkey a surfboard and a fishing rod and travel the Atlantic Pacific Coast of Peru.

    right attitude, good idea, wrong ocean 

    incidentally I'm chilling on the coast the weekend after the election myself for a couple days

  7. On 10/30/2020 at 1:59 AM, beerwolf said:

    Excellent post as always joshuatxuk.

    Sometimes I wish I had your quality control ?

    Thats my political comments for the year done and dusted! My usual philosophy of not getting involved in political debates now must be implemented!

    I think your post was in good faith I really wanted to make sure I wasn't targeting you in particular. Politics is a nasty business, it's frustratingly hard to casually follow and navigate. 

    • Like 2
  8. 9 hours ago, ignatius said:

    don't forget whatever shenanigans come after election day in the courts. trump team is ready to call the election over on election night and push the decision into the courts in an attempt for ballots not counted yet to be disallowed. This would be contrary to every election which usually isn't certified until after election day. Ballots are always counted into the days following the election. 


    yeah if this isn't a blowout and a few states come close it's 2000 Recount but like Fury Road level absurdity and nastiness

  9. 23 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

    The further you go to the left sooner or later you’ll appear on the right.

    I'm not going to comment on recent takes regarding Corbyn and Labour, I'm way too out of the loop, but when I was reading about this a year ago the general impression I got was Labor's problematic elements were being overblown and conflated into the whole "anti-Israeli = anti-Semitic" trend that's rampant here in the states.

    The huge irony is while the Labour is actually trying to address their issues with alleged anti-Semitism the Tories, the BNP, and the bulk of the undercurrents behind Brexit and right-wing populism in the UK, Europe and the US are literally pushing the core of anti-Semitic ideology with the same dog-whistles and rhetoric as the fascists of the past: globalist conspiracies, wealthy elite like Soros, cultural Marxism, etc. That's the shit to worry about and scrutinize. 

    Also for the record horseshoe theory is bunk and the fishhook theory a lot more pertinent to far more political scenarios historically. While I don't like authoritarian left much as an ideology it's a different beast than authoritarian right ideology.

    • Like 4
    • Facepalm 1
  10. On 10/16/2020 at 11:02 AM, Braintree said:

    Someone blocked me on FB for sharing this.

    Their argument was "a vote for Biden is a vote for Trump," which at this point, is fucking infuriating. It's like being in a sinking boat with two other people. While I'm frantically throwing water out of it, one is actively poking more holes into the boat, and the other is complaining about how we should have taken a raft instead.

    Goddamnit. Just be reasonable.

    This election is a choice between shooting yourself in the leg and shooting yourself in the head.

    I should note SOME MORE NEWS is not even remotely pro-Biden, neither is Contrapoints who makes the same argument below. These are leftists concluding that there's no valid or effective reason to abstain from voting for Biden or throwing away a vote to a 3rd party / write-in. You can vote for Biden without kow-towing to Dems and centrist liberals. Vote Trump out, unite behind the likely pockets of MAGA insanity that will surely occur, and then take Biden to task when shit calms down. 


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  11. On 9/15/2020 at 4:32 PM, Diurn said:

    Is one of my favourite RDJ albums, in fact is key to understand the new electronic scene born in late 80s / early 90s. You can like it more or less, but it had/has a great impact to lot of artists. Somehow he managed to resurrect a lost germanic/french/british wave injecting fresh air with innovation and creativity since the oldies JMJ, Krafterk, Vangelis, Brian Eno, etc.


    This was a key aspect of me appreciating how important it was as I grew more and more enamored with it. Kind of a feedback loop of appreciation between the music itself and the context and crafting of it. It still sounds very unique and futuristic while increasingly classic and familiar. There's a very straightforward, playful and unabashed sound to it and I'm immediately engrossed by any contemporary musicians who tap into the same vibe.

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