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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. If you can' tell the difference between you going "I heard new AE at this part the other day. quite good" and what pixelives is doing, then I see no reason to continue this silly 'discussion'. So back on topic. AE are good. I like them.
  2. I guess I'll order with amazon then. Easy to cancel, in case they decide to announce some super special edition.
  3. Osc... come on. As some other person said, why'd he lie about this? If he really wanted to troll people on here, he'd claim that the album contained all those awesome live tracks.
  4. btw, this is a pretty dumb question since you all probably know just as little as I do, but: Any rumors about a special edition? I'm about to pre-order the cd version of the album, but if they're going to announce anything special, I'd rather wait. If they were planning this, wouldn't we have heard by now? Anyone knows? no I won't stop. Everyone jumped down my throat in a recent Autechre thread, just because I mentioned that I heard unreleased material at a gig, and couldn't provide proof of this. Why is this any different? Anyway, I just proved, in exactly the same was as pixelives, that I have a promo copy of exai pixelives has more proof than you ever had. just saying. what's that then? more words? lol Promos has been sent out. Pixelives claims to have one. Takes pic of his iTunes to prove this. What else do you want him to do, without him being hunted down by the warp-assassins?
  5. no I won't stop. Everyone jumped down my throat in a recent Autechre thread, just because I mentioned that I heard unreleased material at a gig, and couldn't provide proof of this. Why is this any different? Anyway, I just proved, in exactly the same was as pixelives, that I have a promo copy of exai pixelives has more proof than you ever had. just saying.
  6. Wasn't talking about you. Your posts are awesome. Please continue.
  7. edit: I like what I'm hearing so far (from pixelives) Please turn down the idiotic spamming though. That'd be nice.
  8. To be fair, it's not like you post new tracks every day. Or week for that matter. I think what you just described is what most people do, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  9. Sure, but a lot of the people who come in here and start a thread without doing what the OP says, are new members. It's not like they even know the thread is there in the first place, and therefore just glances over it. There's no way some of these people can miss it. What Joyrex suggested on the last page (A post limit so that new members won't be able to post in here right after joining) is a great idea, but I doubt it'll change a whole lot. Also, don't forget the people who have been redirected to this thread multiple times and continues to ignore what it actually tells them to do... ENJOY =) Excuse me if this is considered whining.
  10. I'd really like to know why this is nearly impossible to understand for some people. 1. It's a sticky. You can't miss it. It's right there at the top! 2. The OP is pretty clear in its message. 3. Thread titles very clearly tells you to read this thread, before making a new thread. 4. IT'S RIGHT THERE AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE!!! So what the shit's the deal? Do people just go "hurr, whatever" or do they really not see it? It seems to be happening every single day on here.
  11. "Exai has thing going on where there are definitive "changes" in tracks. like, "oh here's the B part/C part," so less slow evolution and more, "boom shut that door! new room!" So kinda like the new Burial and Clark? I like the sound of this.
  12. Are there any sweet four-on-the-floor (shitty term I know) beats like we heard on y7 and M62? Autechre does that very well
  13. Obel, if you ever became a AE subforum mod, would you allow me to post some of my poems based on overlooked AE tracks?
  14. Thread is terrible now. Let's close it until the album comes out.
  15. I know Dispatch Agency in real life. They're good people. In my opinion. I don't know then, but if I did, that would be my opinion. I think.
  16. You're great but that's not the one I was thinking of. The one I'm talking about was written in english. Now that you mention it, I do remember reading an English review that mentioned that same comment.. fml sorry.
  17. Somebody finds me the article in which the journalist mentionned the + 200 pages thread and the fanboyism on WATMM. It's real. I've read that. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/brollotron.jpg/
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