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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. There's something wrong with the last two tracks on disc 1 it seems. My CD drive goes crazy halfway through edit: Plays just fine on my xbox. I guess it's just my laptop being weird then
  2. I liked Max Payne 3 better the second time around. Same here.
  3. I thought they were taking a break from AC for a while. Guess not.. After 3, I'm not sure I want to continue to buy these games. It was.... pretty good I guess, but I haven't touched it since I completed the main story.
  4. I think Mike P mentioned that he was having problems with his studio (or something..)
  5. Okay. Disc 1: 01. Kalpol Introl 02. Piezo 03. Gnit 04. Cichli 05. Rae 06. Pir 07. Parhelic Triangle 08. Surripere 09. Iera 10. WNSN 11. os veix3 12. Cep puiqMX Disc 2: 01. Tazmx 02. Lost 03. Bronchusevenmx24 04. Second Scepe 05. Inhake 2 06. Latent Quarter 07. Tilapia 08. Gaekwad 09. Cap.IV
  6. They could pretty much just repeat the structure of Dragon Age Origins, but in the Mass Effect universe, and it'd be a clear winner. Do we have a Mass Effect thread on here?
  7. I'd like a game set during the first contact war where you play as a Turian soldier against the humans.
  8. Mass Relays. That'd be quite amazing. First encounter with the other species maybe. Or maybe the other way around, where you play as one of the other races during the first encounter with mankind.
  9. There's a new DLC coming out in two weeks. The last one EVER.
  10. Exercise Meh. I eat healthy, so that should be enough. Running around for an hour each day won't change that, since I've never had this problem before.
  11. I'm still constantly tired. Been like this for months.
  12. Since I downloaded it, my last savegame won't load for some reason. It just freezes. I was annoyed, but then I realised that in the intervening weeks I'd entirely stopped giving a damn about Mass Effect. That's sad. It's quite an improvement.
  13. btw, make sure to download that extended cut dlc. It's free. The ending without it is baaaaaad.
  14. I agree that a lot of Shepard's dialogue during the intro is awful. "We fight or we die!" Ururhghghhh... The game is quite different in its tone compared to the other two games, just like ME2 was different to ME1. I can see why some might not like the constant focus on war, but meh. I think it works. But to be honest, I can't really identify with the whole wave of enemies thing. I'm replaying ME2 at the moment, and that one seems to suffer a lot more from waves after waves of enemies. The enemies just keep coming in that one. I don't know if you're just rushing through the game or not. If you do, then it's no wonder you're not enjoying it. I rushed through the game to get the worst ending, and it wasn't very fun at all. The game is a lot more enjoyable when you spend a little time between the mission walking around the Normandy (which is a lot more alive than in 1 and 2) and visiting the Citadel. If you want to know who James is, you should just go talk to him. I thought he was just some Gears of War bro-dude, and never really bothered to talk to him during the first few playthroughs, but he's actually not THAT bad of a character. Has some funny dialogue on missions.
  15. Archer. Only seen the first episode so far, but holy shit lol
  16. If that's all you're getting out of the game/story, it's no wonder you find it boring.
  17. Can't wait! I haven't heard the album yet because I decided to wait for the vinyl. same here, not even heard any preview snippets yet... hope amazon ships soon as well yes plz. PLEASE AMAZON. PLEASE!!!!!!
  18. I might as well give up on this XCOM thing. Started another game yesterday. Followed all the advice I could find around the interwebz, but everything is still going to shit. My troops in every single battle: Miss, miss, panic, die. I've upgraded their weapons, given them the most expensive armor available, and they still fail hard in almost every single battle. The aliens are pretty badass though. Hit me 9/10 times with their shots. Back to Mass Effect.
  19. I can't get excited for anything Bungie after Halo Reach. Which is really sad, considering how much I used to play Halo 2 online, back in the day.
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