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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. Sledgehammer was the guys behind Modern Warfare 3, not the MOH games. I think that studio is called Danger Close or something. Not sure.
  2. Trials Evolution is my second game of the year. Endless replay value.
  3. My dog is staring me down for 10-15 minutes in a row, everyday. His face is super aaaaw, but it's getting kinda creepy.
  4. Completed the Omega dlc for ME3. Pricey, but damn good. Can't wait to play it as a renegade.
  5. How does the second or third game in a series equal "endless sequels"? Oh, and a list. 1. Mass Effect 3. Nothing comes close to this one. NOTHING!!!!!1 2. Trials Evolution. Endless replay value. 3. Assassin's Creed 3. Quite good, but the gameplay is growing a bit stale. I wish they'd take a break. 4. Black Ops 2. Haters gonna hate, but this one actually surprised me. I think that's about it. Didn't buy a whole lot of new games this year. I would put the Walking Dead game in there, but I've still only played the first two episodes.
  6. I keep discovering new stuff in all these tracks every time I listen to them.
  7. I think I need a break from Mass Effect 3 multiplayer... Time for another campaign playthrough! Yaaaaaa
  8. Could someone try and explain the point of putting all your good tracks up on a youtube channel and then release mediocre jams on cd? I must've missed something.
  9. I really wanted to get into the Assassin's Creed 3 multiplayer, but I just can't. It would be super sweet if people actually knew how to play it, but they don't. Most of the people I've played with just run around like a bunch of dumbasses, getting kills worth 150 points. This is especially an issue when they steal the kill right in front of me, after I've built up bonuses worth 800-900 points. It totally ruins the game.. Back to Mass Effect 3 multiplayer for me.
  10. Funny, because when he showed up on my youtube feed, I actually went "man, keltoi will LOVE this."
  11. A combination of my two favorite things. Dancing and spinning.
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