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Everything posted by lumpenprol

  1. though it's worth mentioning, while the leak was posted on watmm directly after the radio show, it had already been downloaded 400+ times.
  2. yeah I'm a bit worried about the instant gratification factor, which I associate with the soundtrack feel. I like Ae albums that reveal themselves more slowly (though, apparently, not as slowly as confield). Chiastic slide is still my favorite release, LP5 had more instantaneous "holy fuck" appeal, but that wore off rather quickly. I'm just glad to have something new to listen to, and after Quaristice I don't think I have unrealistic expectations. At 43%
  3. i loved ae up through ep 7, have liked element of each album thereafter, but less and less so with each release...so i guess i'm a joyrex clone...always hold out hope though.
  4. shit china dl speed, only 1/3 done...better not crap out on me.
  5. i'm really enjoying this. If Quaristice was any indication, waiting for the download to finish is the best part
  6. lol, ae probably just got really high and watched blade runner one too many times.
  7. it'd be pretty funny if plaid and ae traded albums just to fuck with fans.
  8. I have no idea how good this will be - both tracks are nice but seem very immediate without that "this'll take some getting used to" feeling - but I'm very glad they decided to try something different. I was not a Quaristice fan.
  9. lol, I guess they weren't done with playing around with the twangy twinkly stuff at the beginning of simmm. Props to them for being brave enough to try making melodies again, though. It seems they are finally ready to do a sci fi movie soundtrack. Less original sounding to my ears, but more soundtrack-y.
  10. Lemodie is among my favorite electronic albums for sure.
  11. sounds faek to me. Also he likes Quaristice way too much to trust his opinion on anything.
  12. impakt had the right answer, gl0tch posted it so it has to be faek...he was responsible for another faek before but i forget now...
  13. If the promo is real, they are moving further in the direction of sci fi soundtracks
  14. fucking lol. The true sign of an obsessive Ae fan: when you lose the ability to distinguish between brilliance and pap
  15. I have a theory too. Sean did too many drugs and now has a permanent slack-jawed mongo look, and that's why Quaristice sounded the way it did.
  16. I'm more excited about the hype than I am about listening to it. If it's like quaristice, I'll end up listening to it a grand total of 5 times.
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