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Posts posted by phudoshin

  1. 1 minute ago, phudoshin said:

    Yep total shit. 2/10  The actress gets those points. CGI was atrocious. Zero extra pred lore to the canon. Terrible sound design. The french asterix characters were so dumb as were the other Kamanchi characters especially the elders - standing around like muppets. 

    Also..glaringly obvious. Predator does their thing against a hunter/gatherer tribe. Thats like Usain Bolt entering a village sports day. did i mention the CGI? awful

  2. On 8/8/2022 at 9:10 AM, Squee said:

    Absolutely terrible. Predator is the perfect action movie with zero substance. It's about characters who don't know what kind of a movie they're in. It's great!
    Prey has nothing to say and there's zero suspense because you as the viewer know everything there is to know. It's kinda like the The Thing prequel. Needless.

    Yep total shit. 2/10  The actress gets those points. CGI was atrocious. Zero extra pred lore to the canon. Terrible sound design. The french asterix characters were so dumb as were the other Kamanchi characters especially the elders - standing around like muppets. 

  3. Another excellent AMA from Sean - love his openness - like a lot of my mates. chill, takes no shit, same humour, same critical eye. Just a wonderful person on top of their game and what a really amazing sonic game. Can;t wait for Confeld re-release

    Does anyone know where i can checkout the music twitch jams Sean did/mentioned? Missed these


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  4. On 8/5/2022 at 4:34 PM, droid said:

    Maybe he was just having a bad night, but I met probably every major artist from the WARP/Rephlex/SKAM axis back in the day and he was the only person who ever asked for the backstage to be cleared before a gig. Then he went onto play an hour or so of noise at the start of his set.

    In terms of soundness, Bola, Pole, Mira, Vibert and Keith Tenniswood were all super nice as well, and Ed DMX, he was over a fair few times.

    Was that the Go Plastic set at TBMC? He was late alright and I heard after he was cranky AF? Great bloody set though but many folks annoyed

  5. I've whiled away my days over the last few months digesting all sorts of youtubes, podcasts, tV series etc about UAPs - and Bigfoots, Skinwalker and all that shit. Most of it is American-centric but there's sprinkles of UK and other counties takes on "the phenonomae".  Ive been intrigued and bemused and basically have come down on the side of Stephen Greenstreet - basically that for all the genuinely "i don't know what that was" shit theres 1 million times more vacuous commentary, theories, banter, and ad nauseum discussions of  what-ifs. And there seems to be  a load of semi-official shisters and charlatans totally co-opting and the zigest fior their own fame/likes/hits. I particularly like the absolutely cold-hard Spockian logic of debunkers like Mick West but also have time for I-want-to-believers like Chris Lehto, former US airforce pilot and  a few others..


    BUT now Im ready for some satire!..................... This whole subject is utterly ripe for a proper pisstake especially the rabbit-holey earnestness of the True Believers especially but also the other side  - the digging-through-the-truth "somemthing Is going on" moderates through to the debunkers.


    Anyone point me to some light-hearted fucking relief from the sea of fantasy and counter-fantasy?



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  6. On 7/4/2022 at 1:07 PM, Draft78 said:

    I arrive late (for unknown reasons my connection has been interrupted for two days) but I see that others have posted a bootleg, and of definitely higher quality than mine. I corrected all parameters of my recorder, but since there is no specific volume input, the bass still saturate. In any case, here is my shitty version:


    Now I understand why the comments from the previous date were so dry: after such a thing you can only write "wtf" or similar. Impossible to describe what happens at that time, and bootlegs, even well-recorded ones, are nothing more than vague souvenirs. I try anyway: the behavior of the sound is indefinable, melodies and rhythms move, overlap and slide over each other; everything happens constantly, without the need for an apex (actually there are, but not in the traditional sense: it is an elusive world, on several levels, and plastic like never before).
    One of the most intense sonic experiences I've ever had, for an hour I dropped all the shit I carry on my back, and became something else, of which I remember little, except that everything was totally absurd and perfect.

    Thank you Ae.

    Thanks for the upload - it sounds gorgeous. Very liqidy

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  7. 11 hours ago, fairuzosman said:


    That was you in glasses?!! I was the one dancing next to you lovely Irish lads wearing an arthur russell shirt, think I told you about the oberlove chords during the intro 



    Hey man - yep.. lovely to meet you too, Good spot on the Overlove track.. I was all confused with that slow intro which was excellent.

    what a set though - blistering! Could've gone on another hour easy - excellent niche-crowd vibes too with plenty of room.

    what else you see?

    My highlights were:

     - autchre being more autechre than ever

    - moshing to lightning bolt

    - discovering Idles and how they're woke AF

    - Richard Dawson loopiness

    - NOT queueing for drinks but exiting festival to hotel across the road bar which was 1000 x faster


    does what it says on the Timage.thumb.png.2c5d826306dec2e92ccf10f4edda8e7e.png

    • Big Brain 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Schlitze said:

    He didn't answer my question about Morbius.

    I just saw the trailer - so I'll answer for him. "why the fuck would i want to watch it?"

  9. 10 hours ago, toaoaoad said:

    Finished binging these last night, incredible. Fuckin love this guy lol. I know he says the music should speak for itself, but I have to admit I always find new appreciation for it when I hear them talk about it. Also really enjoy his personality. Zero bullshit. Sean thx :flower:

    One standout for me is that the songs he still rates from Amber are the exact same ones I do, no shit!

    Me too.. Piezo! Montreal! 

    Re Sean's  "albums *eyeroll" comment  -  I've defo chewed more on AE_LIVE than NTS and Elseq - hell Im still trying to wrap my noggin around exai to be honest - thats  not a complaint tho

  10. My gf came to low>autechre in the auditorium. She's generally not an electronica listener so I was stoked to hear what she'd think. The only reference point she had was the theme music to Playdeads's Inside game, wheich she introduced me to the week before. As soon as I heard that I said "omg you'll love autechre - just imagine that game's universe when listening". She also doesn't do drugs


    Result: she totally tripped out on it, staring at the soft reflections of mobile phones on the ceiling, imaging the game

    For me it was the most autechre yet of their sets - AE_LIVE_2015 were amazing with drops and definite threads, AE_LIVE_18 was a lot more organic with fewer solid hooks and this is definitely further along thta trajectory..   very little regular melodies, beats. Nothing to hang onto..super organic and blobby. LOVE IT.. 


    Mind you as I re-listen Im sure the hooks will emerge. 



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