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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by phudoshin

  1. On 2/14/2020 at 4:36 PM, perunamuussi said:

     I'm sure it was every bit as good as your legendary squarepusher "mash ups"

    Aw thanks... you're a babe. I can make you a T too - i just got my kids to color in one of my my home-made T's


    • Like 2
  2. Anyone else feeling that this LP has tracks that, compared to the last few albums, have the   possibility-of-being-played-at-a-Aphex-Twin set?

    I totally do... and its not just the fast-drums/melodies..... but that unmistakable braindance feels

    Thats it!!! Eureka

    "Big Up a Hello is Squarepushers first braindance output  in a very long time" - some online rag

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, perunamuussi said:

    That's  what i was thinking....


    Phudoshin pls

    Audacity down-speed on the the wavs  - pulease - works great on  all the beat tracks - gets me into the details nice... tom still makes the drums go fast ... whatever the speed!

  4. 6 minutes ago, d-a-m-o said:

    lol I'll never forget my first listen of "unreal square"

    serious "wtf is this shit ?" moment 

    Agree with Lianne above too... just damn screetchy ... i think the compositions are ok though and "Mettalurgist/Drax 2" are a good pair... remind me of UV style . Unreal square is only good when it breaks down and splinters - almost nearly just about gets the Exploding Pyschology synth then the stupid cheap mainmelody comes back - grrrrr

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  5. Yeh this shit is miles better than DF or Ufa - its got that driving percussion and less of the digital screechy shite with gorgeous little anticipatory moments my brain is loving. The 2 ambient pieces are great and work well to bring down the energy.... the drums are much warmer than last albums as well..(except for "ecstatic shock"< totally underated track!)

    • Like 4
  6. broke his arm in Norway, looks like a fisherman

    just sayin

    Anyway Im really starting to get that antiicipation of details, vibe, that i find loads with squarepusher....the pace, the buildups, the little drops and audio easter eggs...cannot wait to dance to it with fans where we all collectively get the incoming juicey bits and revel at the live tweaks


  7. Live squarepusher, his DJ sets  or mixes  is my usual listen over albums


    Liquid Tokyo, 97

    Fuji Japan 01,

    Frigids Oz 01, 

    Tokyo 04, 

    Boston 04

    DFN 16

    BBC Electric ballroom

    WARP20 2009 hello!!!

    etc etc


    VLR, my own mashups,  various mixcloud users


    This new album is good  fodder for future live, DJ, mixes. Love it!


  8. So been digesting this all week.... love it... its made for dancing or driving and getting into that pusher zone - lots of details

    I can;t wait to rage hard at BF2020 to his finale set on the Sunday - holy shit he's gonna tear it up if he throws in loads of older shit too,  a-la Glasto

    Love that I have the NTS mix with the d/l redeem with my vinyl.. quality stuff around!







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