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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by phudoshin



    Chief of staff John Kelly describes Trump as an "idiot" and "unhinged," Woodward reports. Defense Secretary James Mattis describes Trump as having the understanding of "a fifth or sixth grader." And Trump's former personal lawyer John Dowd describes the President as "a fucking liar," telling Trump he would end up in an "orange jump suit" if he testified to special counsel Robert Mueller.


    "He's an idiot. It's pointless to try to convince him of anything. He's gone off the rails. We're in crazytown," Kelly is quoted as saying at a staff meeting in his office. "I don't even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I've ever had."








  2. This quote from a Trumpite after a rally before the electron says it all


    "I'm from a mining town. He said he's going to re-open them. I know he's lying - but at least he gives us hope" - sorry i don;t have the audio. it was from a news show back in 2017


    How the hell are you even supposed to deal with that kind of mind?

    I know he's lying - but at least he gives us hope

  3. Still a big fat NAH from me - missing something . sure the sound's are there, some rhythms, style... but.. the "magic" is missing.


    Totally appreciate that if im proved wrong my ears/brain will change -  a sort of placebo effect. Is this shallow? I don;t think so.. just think its how it works with me. Perception influences music appreciation. 



    this is RDJ


    *sips coffee*


    Prove me wrong


    oddly, this track convinces me it's not rdj. too many transitions and motifs which don't sound like anything rdj would do. not that it's bad though.


    Totally agree although i felt same about all the tracks...something not quite right

  5.  - I love the numberphile guys

     - recently bought a friend "Fermats Last Theorem" as shes a math lover

     - I did Applied Physics in Uni but ended up in IT... a remember in optics there was a physical explanation for the concept of square root of -1 and i was so excited ......but now ive forgotten!

  6. Their whole discography's been my soundtrack for the heatwave we've been having in the small seaside holiday town I live in..... driving the kids around to beaches and getting ice-creams... theyre starting to ask for "that song that goes la-dee-dum "

  7. i always like that part.


    cool sheet, phudo. i can't keep straight the details of the sets so that would be helpful for me to try to finally learn what's where

    cheers .. i appreciate the appreciation on a fun little personal project some folks get knicker-twisted over  :whistling:

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