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Everything posted by plstik

  1. Breaking Bad season 3 and into season 2 of the Sopranos with the gf. Then there´s also a mixture of Reno 911, The Office, King of Queens and Big Bang Theory we try to watch through.
  2. That's just German efficiency at work. totally, Like a fuckin computer...
  3. That is stupid. Although i can see what was going on. They didn't want you still swimming around when they wanted to close up, as customers tend to selfishly do (not suggesting that you would). OR they're lazy bums that want to finish early to go drinkin'. no they´re just lazy, they were opened for 3hrs yesterday and apparently decided to close after the first half... I´m just annoyed, because that was the third time I tried to get in there.
  4. I just wanted to go to the swimming pool for a few laps and sauna afterwards and was really looking forward for the relaxation. But those fuckers sent me home, reason being: they´re closing in 1 1/2 hrs and they only sell 2h tickets. :wtf:
  5. I want my exams to be over so I can do nothing, eat and finally play videogames again
  6. Bought a medium sized frozen joghurt and had no idea what toppings I should get.
  7. plstik

    Now Reading

    bought this for my gf who didn´t know murakami too. Make sure to get the sheep chase books and Hard boiled wonderland. Loved those. Just started with Orhan Pamuk - Der Blick aus meinem Fenster. Beautiful writing.
  8. plstik

    Now Reading

    books are piling up, currently reading Pynchon - Vineland. This book is an explosion. Half way through and I can still follow the story line, I´m proud.
  9. that was a horrible turn haha
  10. some story of me being an secret agent, that could would be re-created everytime since the 30s for missions. On my way home the sky was heavily clouded. the clouds looked like pumpkins, in perfect geometrical shape. Like one of kainis mandelbulbs. They were orange with green dots in the middle, and came in a lot of different sizes. I tried to show it to people on the bus, but they faded in an instand. The sky was still orange, though. The city was hit by an earthquake (before the dream), I saw a collapsed bridge, that was coloured like a piano roll.
  11. at least I got the first part somewhat right :sup: *enocdes himself to 128kb*
  12. oh this is interesting, never made this test with myself: well?
  13. I just watched The Thaw, came to check if you still have that avatar. awesome.

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