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Everything posted by plstik

  1. http://de-bug.de/mag/1825.html got anotherone (in english), where they talk about the huge bus and kraftwerk visiting their shows
  2. and it sounded real too :( (more like the others, my guess) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G4UHLWGW
  3. because i downloaded it yesterday and it is 100% most assuredly a fake it sounds absolutely nothing like Quaristice, which by going by that review is what the album should sound a little bit like not to mention the obvious low production skills employed on the album compared to Autechre. The mixes are all decent, but nothing near the quality of the audio engineering training of Autechres final mixes also the music is kind of shit and too straight forward, all the beats are very ho-hum predictable and there are cheesy obvious pad melodies on all the songs with beats that sound like someone trying to copy AE and failing badly if you want to enjoy listening to someone elses music while hearing it through the lense of a real Autechre album, be my guest. just realize that you may be fooling yourself just sort out the fakes by comparing it with the track lengths r ess (5:12) ilanders (5:32) known(1) ?? pt2ph8 (4:09) qplay (4:38) see on see (4:37) Treale (6:05) os veix3 (4:37) O=0 (4:52) d-sho qub (6:26) st epreo (1:43) redfall (3:48) krYlon (6:08) yuop (9:58) ok then this is not what I have. Are those tracks duration official ? kinda...I got those from last.fm That guy twittered about his last.fm TOP 3, including autechre, so I checked his lastfm for the track-micropages e.g. http://www.lastfm.de/music/Autechre/_/ilanders The track lengths on those micro-pages fitted with the time-order on his lastfm account, so I guess those are legit.
  4. because i downloaded it yesterday and it is 100% most assuredly a fake it sounds absolutely nothing like Quaristice, which by going by that review is what the album should sound a little bit like not to mention the obvious low production skills employed on the album compared to Autechre. The mixes are all decent, but nothing near the quality of the audio engineering training of Autechres final mixes also the music is kind of shit and too straight forward, all the beats are very ho-hum predictable and there are cheesy obvious pad melodies on all the songs with beats that sound like someone trying to copy AE and failing badly if you want to enjoy listening to someone elses music while hearing it through the lense of a real Autechre album, be my guest. just realize that you may be fooling yourself just sort out the fakes by comparing it with the track lengths r ess (5:12) ilanders (5:32) known(1) ?? pt2ph8 (4:09) qplay (4:38) see on see (4:37) Treale (6:05) os veix3 (4:37) O=0 (4:52) d-sho qub (6:26) st epreo (1:43) redfall (3:48) krYlon (6:08) yuop (9:58)
  5. r ess 3:23 ilanders 4:22 known(1) 3:24 pt2ph8 4:41 qplay 4:40 see on see 3:14 treale 4:13 os veix3 3:03 O=0 6:25 d-sho qub 5:02 st epreo 5:05 redfall 3:32 krylon 6:25 yuop 9:58 total 67:27 I re-checked the track-lenghts on the lastfm-page of that guy who wrote about it on his blog. http://www.lastfm.de/user/DavBrav/tracks?page=3 r ess (5:12) ilanders (5:32) known(1) ?? pt2ph8 (4:09) qplay (4:38) see on see (4:37) Treale (6:05) os veix3 (4:37) O=0 (4:52) d-sho qub (6:26) st epreo (1:43) redfall (3:48) krYlon (6:08) noone on last.fm seems to have heard known(1) yet...at least I can't find it
  6. I'm having this problem whilst browsing bleep with chrome. Firefox works fine.
  7. has not set their statushas not set their statushas not set their statushas not set their statushas not set their status

  8. plstik

    Now Reading

    Just started James Joyce - Ulysses... not really getting into it so far. But will continue
  9. Seconded, although I've got the smaller iAudio 7, it also supports flac and according to Cowon the battery can last up to ~30hours. I dont know how long mine really plays with flac etc, but I lasts at least a few weeks. I've bought mine because of the high sound quality too.
  10. Songs about my cats. printf maybe.. Choclate Wheelchair Winnipeg and I kinda like Moon Glow/Bitter Earth
  11. VI Scose Pose is such a great intro. It doesnt anticipate any of the madness thats gonna hit you in few seconds Eidetic Casein is maybe my favourite track so far. Also Mcr Quarter shows how fucked up the live performances must've been around Confield.
  12. [youtubehd]ofS1S_JDLLc[/youtubehd] great hahaha
  13. [youtubehd]M-kQW3w_Sy0[/youtubehd] I like this.
  14. *must be quick before dubstep gets all mainstreamy*
  15. http://soundcloud.com/lackluster/sets/portal-lp quite nice
  16. plstik

    Now Reading

    been reading this for the last 3 weeks too...wow.. if anyone actually keeps looking up all those references on every single page. But thats what really turned me into the book.. and i only looked up a few words (eg didnt know what Lobotomy was about before lol)
  17. plstik

    Now Reading

    this is maybe my first "bestseller". I dont know if you can compare it with Illuminati, Sakrileg and the likes, but so far I have really enjoyed this one.
  18. love the psychedelic dumbo avatar

  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2Fyy8VmEMA
  20. The Ink Spots- I dont want to set the world on fire I knew this song for a few years and almost forgot about it... gladly Fallout 3 reminded me of it :)
  21. has anyone an idea what squarepushers gonna play in april? http://www.lastfm.de/event/912432 i saw him already in Paris last year, but i was hoping for a new live set
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