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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. Man.. Jacquard Causeway would have been perfect if wasn't for that annoying snare.
  2. 360 Not even all the updates has fixed it yet, it still crashes on me almost every single time. I have to tried reinstall it, clear the cache and all that stuff, but that didn't work either. But I don't really care anymore, I'm done with that game.
  3. It's also one of the most buggy games I've ever played. Can't remember the last time a game has crashed so many times on me, and because I couldn't figure out where to go to proceed in the game, I eventually had to give up on it. It's a shame though, I really like the visuals, music and puzzles in that game. Hopefully the sequel will fix a lot of those issues.
  4. I didn't enjoy Fez very much either, mostly because the map was so confusing.
  5. Addicted to Semena Mertvykh. Seriously one of the best pieces of dark ambient I've heard. It's also the thematic most fitting track on the album.
  6. I have one small complaint about this album and that is the transition from Collapse and Palace Posy. It's so sudden and kind of ruins the flow.
  7. Well if there are fanboys of an artist, that means that artist is probably doing something right. I know that sounds a bit silly and I hate fanboys as mush as the next man. But there is something to said for an artist's ability to make a fanbase. That is actually a proof of quality and that a lot of people like it. One music site's review score is not necessarily a proof of quality. And the reason I defend it, is because I actually don't think fanboys are just spamming high scores on their favorite artists on discogs, a lot albums have perfectly reasonable scores. Even the artists with a "cult" following has lower scoring albums. Let's take Autechre for example. We all know they have their fair amount of fanboys here on watmm. But Confield "only" has an 4.12/5 score. Considering how fanatical some ae fanboys are, I actually think that is a very reasonable and levelheaded score. Been then again... There are no right or wrong score for an album. And I have trust issues with most music review sites, that might be my problem. And I'm not a fan of so called professionals telling people what to like, or not to like. edit: sorry about all this off-topic talk, but I've always wanted to discuss this.
  8. There's a subjective element, but I think comparing reviews within genres you can find a general correlation between what reviewers and fans like most. I like the typical 10.0 pitchfork-rated album more than I like the typical 5.0; usually the exact score i'd give is different, but it does give you a ballpark idea of where it stands in relation to other albums in the genre and by the same band. The only scores I really find useful are the ones on discogs (voted by everyone). They generally tend to be more accurate to the actually quality of the music (in my opinion). I don't care what some pretentious music-reviewer from pitchfork thinks. They care more about the artists' image and what clothing they are wearing, than the actual music, when they give album scores. And it's not because I think TH has gotten bad scores (which it hasn't), It's just this whole music scoring thing that annoys me. This is getting way off-topic.. my silly rant ends here.
  9. Music taste is such a subjective and personal thing, more so than movie, books or anything else that's being reviewed by "professionals". Why everyone is desperate to hear what all these pretentious music reviewers gives in score, is just silly. Ban music reviews scores. They are of no use to anyone. #gettingangryaboutnothing
  10. Music reviews are useless anyway. I don't understand the fascination with album scores. But that's a different discussion.
  11. It sure has it's super dark moments like Semena Mertvykh and Transmisiones Ferox, which is some the album's best. But there are also a lot of very uplifting and cheerful moments. It's a good balance I would say.
  12. The albums wasn't as dark as I expected, by reading people's comments. That is not a bad thing.. just saying.
  13. Nothing Is Real... otherworldly good I just had my first listen and I REALLY like it. That is all.
  14. Puma occasionally does some nice kits. But I can't imagine Arsenal playing in that brand. I would have preferred Adidas to take over. lol
  15. Npoess

    Now Reading

    What do you think of it? I personally liked it, also has a great film adaptation. Been meaning to read more Cormac I was just going to write it's the best book I have ever read. It's really incredible. I'm definitely going to check out some more by Cormac McCarthy. I really like the film adaption too. It's actually quite a underrated movie I think, also the reason I was interested in this book in the first place.
  16. I really hope The Last of Us will be re-released for PS4, when it comes out. It looks like the game I've always wanted to play.
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