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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. I have just received the good news that I'm getting 2050 (18000 DKK) pund from my old employer in vacation money next month. Plus I got 800 (700 DKK) pund back in taxes last month. Probably because I had so much overtime work last year. And I got and A in English, a A in Danish and a B in Math in my "quiz grade/test exams" (not sure what's it's called in english) Life is almost too good these days.
  2. I think these forums might be more up your alley, Compson: http://www.infowars.com/prison-planet-forum/ http://www.davidicke.com/forum/index.php?s=75dc4073001acdfdaf679d9d34576ec9
  3. No more internet or CNN for you today, Compson.
  4. I've just spent two hours at the gym. Feel pretty good about myself right now.
  5. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/video/2013/apr/04/afc-cup-own-goal-video
  6. And Joey Barton looks like a german nazi.
  7. There is one particular scene in Bioshock: Infinite that makes the game a little more impactful if you have played the original. But it's not necessary at all, the stories in the two first games and Infinite has nothing to do with each other. But I would recommend playing the first Bioshock, simply because it's a amazing game. And it still doesn't feel outdated at all.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD1dTV_1fHM&list=FLFQJtWSc5jcgI2Gy08mrpvQ&index=1
  9. lol I knew that photo would get plum'd. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danish_Swedish_Farmdog edit: oh.. you were referring to jason's cat looking dog.
  10. ^fuckin aawwww This was my dawg as puppy:
  11. That was a interesting video. Part of the problem is also that production costs on games have sky rocketed, and they are only getting bigger and bigger with the new console generation. Which unfortunately doesn't leave a lot of room for innovation and "taking chances". The whole mid-tier of gaming is pretty much dying. The only games that there are room for these day, are AAA games or low-budget indie games. I'm pretty sure the new Tomb Raider game sold 3.5 (on all consoles) on launch, and it was still considered a failure by the publisher. If a game can't sell 3.5 million on launch, without being considered a failure, it sure as hell looks bad. Moderately successful sales numbers just aren't good enough anymore, which is really fucking depressing. That's why publishers are forcing their developers to make all these modern military shooters (or something similar) that is trying to be the next Call Of Duty. And that has led the industry become completely stale in terms of innovation and variety in genres and styles. I think it's pretty common among enthusiastic gamers that we are starting to get sick of first person shooters that always follows the same formula. And those games are completely flooding the market these years, I wish more of the big publishers were like Take Two. Compared to EA, that makes every decision wrong these days. They actually make a lot of smart business decisions. They give their developers a longer leash, and they give the games the time they needs to be polished. Recently we have seen games like Borderlands 2, XCOM: EM and Bioshock: Infinite from Take Two, being given the time they time needed, and therefore being huge successes both commercially and critically (I know Bioshock: Infinite's sales numbed haven't been released yet, but it is expected to do very well). And they haven't annualized the Grand Theft Auto series, which in the long run probably means the series won't face franchise fatigue like Assassins Creed, Halo and Call of Duty probably will face in the near future. I know these 3 series are still selling well, but the lack of innovation means the latest installments have been of disappointing quality. And if anyone needs proof that, that means the death of a franchise, they just need to look at the Tony Hawk series, which used to be huge back in the day. Another example that time and effort pays off, is the main games in the Super Mario series (the platformers). The only reason that franchise has been able to stay so popular, for so many years is because of the quality. And again, if anyone needs proof of the opposite, they just have to look at the Sonic series. I hope that made any sense. My english grammar is pretty shit.
  12. I've been playing Cart Life for the most of the day. It's quite depressing, and really fascinating.
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