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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. Fuck goal-line technology, this is the future.
  2. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyCt83GJyiY&feature=related[/media] [media=] [/media][media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p2n7U7lY6o&feature=related[/media] [media=] [/media][media=] [/media]
  3. Sepp strikes again. Demands goal-line technology after a English victory http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/euro2012/article-2162013/Euro-2012-Sepp-Blatter-demands-goal-line-technology-Ukraine-v-England.html
  4. I don't mean to start a big argument or anything. But some of this "it's their ingrained cultural habits" to use some of these words, just seems like bad excuses to me. Sometimes you just have to adjust to other countries cultures and social norms. Especially when you are a professional football player and are a role model for a lot of young people.
  5. It's okay for Pacheco to call Johnson a negrito. But I'm retarded for saying it's stupid to post something like that on twitter? hm.. Pacheco know that negrito is a offensive word to some. He should have that learned from the Suarez incident.
  6. Who cares if it's friendly thing or not. Haven't they learned that they shouldn't be saying it by now. It's gonna to cause a media shitstorm. Are they really that stupid?
  7. lol http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2155343/Daniel-Pacheco-calls-Glen-Johnson-negrito.html
  8. I really enjoyed it... It wasn't perfect or anything. And it's not like the Star Wars prequels. I'm glad it exists. But I feel like pre-release trailers kind of took some of the magic out of it. They just showed too much stuff in them. Also I hate when something I've been so excited for as this is over with. Leaves me with this empty feeling, what next? (maybe I need to get a life).
  9. I love El-P probably my favorite producer besides Dj Premier. But I'm not really feeling Cancer 4 Cure. Request Denied, The Full Retard, Drones Over BRKLN and True Story are awesome, but the rest is a bit underwhelming to me. Shame, I really really loved Fantastic Damage and I'll Sleep When You're dead.
  10. Death Grips - The Money Store 7/10 - great ideas on album Scuba - Personality 8/10 - like the new direction Lone - Galaxy Garden 10/10 - I will look back at this album in 10 years and think it was a classic El-P - Cancer 4 Cure 6,5/10 - Huge El-P fan, but this album left me dissapointed, only a few standout track Squarepusher - Ufabulum 6/10 - Only like 5 tracks on this album, Red In Blue, 303 Scopem Hard and The Metallurgist is some of the worst I've heard made by Tom
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xJVdhDYbm4
  12. http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/hazard--im-going-to-chelsea/news/anzeigen_91847.html
  13. Blatter wants penalties scrapped after a English team beat the Germans http://www.guardian....alty-shoot-outs also: http://networkedblogs.com/y4px4
  14. Bye bye Persie? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2149508/Arsenal-net-Montpellier-striker-Olivier-Giroud.html
  15. Montpellier President Louis Nicollin
  16. Awesome (the video too)
  17. http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/12-game-ban-for-barton/news/anzeigen_91387.html
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