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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. Yeah well.. To be fair most comedy shows aren't really that funny before you know the characters probably. I remember feeling the same way about The Office (UK). Couldn't really get into it, but I slowly started to liking it the more I watched it. So I will give it more time. The two first episodes was just painfully boring.
  2. Finished the second season of The Walking Dead. I can't wait for the third. The second season wasn't as good as the first one. But the finale was excellent. I like how this show isn't afraid to kill off characters. And maybe it's little more gory than it really needs to be. And I've started on Arrested Development. I know I'm not going to be popular for saying this, but I really can't get into this show. Maybe I'm just too stupid or whatever, but It hasn't provided me with one decent lol yet.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dygFo7gViL0
  4. No fucking clue what this thing is. But it creeps me the fuck out.
  5. Watched the pilot of The Walking Dead.. I'm hooked.
  6. I most have posted the Limbo soundtrack a hundred times here. But it's just so fucking good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RBgyzXbcp8&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aErcREHyGyI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i63I8z73qEY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzMYF_SmwVw
  7. Wasn't there some rumours about Christopher Nolan directing it? Christopher Nolan handling the story/directing, and Ridley doing the visuals.. That would be fucking amazing.
  8. ökay Dëlët.... I will sëëk hël...... :[ *.[]...[*'¨']
  9. Mad Men season 5. I have a love/hate relationship with this series.
  10. The perfect replacement.
  11. http://www.caughtoffside.com/2012/07/19/junior-hoilett-agrees-to-join-qpr-mark-hughes-make-yet-another-intelligent-signing/
  12. PSG has also signed Marco Verratti now. They're starting to look very scary.
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