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  1. total recall (2012)


    i really enjoyed it, a lot more than i thought i would. it's cheesy, dumb, old school scifi action with nice visuals (though a bit too many lensflares). no real atempts at originallity or complex characters or unexpected plot twists, just a straight forward high budget scifi action movie. i've missed those.


    edit: on second thought, i guess one could say the exact same thing about bays transformers movies, only unlike those, this actually managed to entertain me for 2 hours.

  2. the comedy


    i dunno, i feel like im getting a bit tired of tim & eric, not that this was anything like their other stuff, i just didn't think it was very good, or bad, i guess? i was pretty bored by their "billion dollar movie" aswell, but i guess this was better.

  3. holy shit dishonored is amazing! haven't had this much fun in a game since the first bioshock probably, goddamn, once you start playing the actual game / first mission it really took me by surprise, really really loving this atm. like with that optional mission where you're supposed to poison the distillery, i snuck in killing only one guy, poured some plague in their tank and snuck back out undetected, but just before i was about to leave i opened a cage and let out a shitload of rats, which attracted everyone in the yard, blinked up onto a pipe and took out like 5 or 6 guys + the rats with a single grenade. satisfaction!

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