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Posts posted by data

  1. looking pretty good so far, though i still can't stand some of the acting. the intro monologue would've worked as narration, but then you see him actually talking into his radio or whatever and it looked ridiculous. also all the women on the show are way too emotional and hysterical it just gets annoying. and that silly ass love triangle drama going on, ffs, it's the zombie apocalypse, get over it. oh well, still entertaining stuff.

  2. my talkbox died (again).


    my new album needs one more track but i can't fucking seem to finish it.


    i've only got one star wars popsicle left.


    i found a note on the windshield of my car (that was parked outside the entrence to my apartment building) that said "dear neighbour, don't park here again or we'll report you. sincerely, your neighbours". assholes.


    my fatass cat won't shutup because i won't give her any more cat candy.


    :angry: :angry: :angry:


    also i'll probably be unemployed within 2-3 weeks (which is sort of a good thing too since i can't fucking stand being a taxidriver for much longer).

  3. i've seen all those laugh factory bits before but just assumed they were all really old.


    but yeah, im aware he still does standup every now and then (read somewhere about him doing a 6 hour(!) set a while back). i want a new special though, and that goes for eddie murphy too.

  4. imo chappelle would probably still be the king of standup if he hadn't quit. i guess louis ck (rightfully) holds the crown now. stewart lee still wins though, even though they're not really comparable (different styles etc).


    The unprecedented flooding in Pakistan in the latter half of 2010 disrupted the lives of 20 million people, but it also affected the country’s arachnid population.


    With more than a fifth of the country submerged, millions of spiders climbed into trees to escape the rising floodwaters. The water took so long to recede, the trees became covered in a cocoon of spiderwebs. The result is an eerie, alien panorama, with any vegetation covered in a thick mass of webbing.












    That's bloody amazing. You got a link for the quotes, mate?



  6. 000.jpg


    The unprecedented flooding in Pakistan in the latter half of 2010 disrupted the lives of 20 million people, but it also affected the country’s arachnid population.


    With more than a fifth of the country submerged, millions of spiders climbed into trees to escape the rising floodwaters. The water took so long to recede, the trees became covered in a cocoon of spiderwebs. The result is an eerie, alien panorama, with any vegetation covered in a thick mass of webbing.











  7. here's a strange picture:


    If you watch Die Hard backwards, it’s about a bunch of terrorists helping to repair a sky scraper just in time for a Christmas party.


    If you watch Cinderella backwards, it’s about a woman who learns her place.


    If you watch The Karate Kid backwards, it’s about a karate champion who slowly becomes a pussy and ends up moving back to Jersey.


    If you watch Pretty Woman backwards, it's about Richard Gere transforming Julia Roberts into a hooker.


    If you watch Superman backwards, it is about a guy who flies around, putting people into precarious situations, then hiding.


    If you watch Bones backwards, it's about an FBI agent and an anthropologist who ease their romantic tension by putting bones in the ground.


    If you watch Top Gun backwards, it’s about the breakup of two gay Navy pilots.


    If you watch it backwards, SCHINDLER’S LIST is the happy story of German soldiers rescuing Jews from an unproductive factory, nursing them back to health, clothing them, and helping them move into temporary living quarters in Warsaw.


    If you watch Ghostbusters backwards, you’ll realise they’re basically releasing ghosts into houses.


    If you watch 300 backwards, King Leonidas helps the messenger out of the well with his foot and tells him ‘SPARTA IS THIS!


    If you watch Lord Of The Rings backwards, it’s about a midget that finds a cool ring in a volcano and then spends the rest of the films walking home.


    If you watch 127 hours backwards its a lovely film about a disabled man finding an arm in the desert.

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