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EKT Plus
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Posts posted by data

  1. the reactions of the women in this show once again blows my miiind.


    'specially carls mom and sophias mom (seems i can't even be bothered to remember their names, after 2 seasons). the way she looked at rick like he was some kinda monster when he told her about what happened to shane, and the way sophias mom was all "i thought you were a man of honor" or whatever, and "DO SOMETHING!", arrghh, and maggie's all "i think we should take our chances and get outta here", without food, fuel, ammo etc. they're all walking clichés and it annoys me to no end.

  2. i see the women of this show are still totally incompetent/useless and all depend on the men. going for a sunny drive? carcrash. friend in medical need? go get dad down at the pub. zombie family member just got shot? run up and try to hug her. kid finally turns up as a zombie (and gets shot)? keep sobbing like you've done for the past 6 or whatever episodes.


    what im saying is this show could really use some strong female characters. i guess maggie showed some promise, but now she's getting all emo too with the asian kid.

  3. i've spent the past 4 hours trying to get the dvd-rom on my old computer to recognize burnt dvds (regular ones works just fine for some reason) in order to install windows on it. updated firmware, changed ide cables, messed about in the registry, nothing works. so then i tried deamon tools to install windows from there, but apparently you can't mount a 64bit image from a 32bit os. FUCK THIS SHIT.


    also im out of smokes AND coffee.

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