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David Bowman

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Everything posted by David Bowman

  1. Now that I've had some actual time to absorb and follow this album better - I really think it might be their best work to date.
  2. This is the album I've always wanted them to make. I'm so pleased.
  3. Yeah I don't have any clue what Jamesqdot is on about, Untilted is a masterpiece and the cover is perfect
  4. I'm speechless - just based off those clips this is literally exactly what i've been wanting from Autechre, this sounds in-fuccking-credible
  5. expand upon the Untilted sound, I'd like to hear more of that business
  6. best tracks: R ess pt2ph8 qplay treale o=0 d sho qub st epreo krYlon and I'm not sure if this has been brought up in any of these other threads, but last night on an Adult Swim bump they played red fall.
  7. Just bought the 24 bit wav and am waiting patiently to finish downloading. Already love this album - can't wait to hear the subtleties/missing seconds.
  8. as it stands right now... Confield Untilted Oversteps Draft Quaristice lp5 Chiastic slide Tri amber incun
  9. excuse me sir, but your personal opinion seems to be wrong. but honestly, I used the word "meandering" to describe the new autechre to a friend the first time i heard it - but that's not the case anymore, I couldn't bring myself to accept that autechre would ever release something sub par, and after a few more listens it proved true. It's actually quite "next level" the whole tone and pace of the album is definitely something different - but it's VERY very good. Trust me. Keep listening - if it doesn't sound good, You're doing it wrong.
  10. It's amazing what a little bit of time and marijuana can reveal. I have no negative feelings towards this album now - anxiously awaiting to hear this in proper quality.
  11. It's got that off centered head nodding beat likened to Quaristice layered with the cosmic groans likened to Confield.
  12. it's definitely got some moments where it shines - but over all I was just expecting something with a lot more differentiation between tracks - it's been my experience that each time a new AE album comes out it always floors me with how unique, consistent, and interesting it is - Oversteps (assuming this IS oversteps) seems to be variations on themes autechre have already covered musically - which is what led me to believe it was a fake at first, now i'm not so sure. Either way, it's good, but not NEW AUTECHRE good. I still prefer Quaristice to this so far, but I liked quaristice when it first came out.
  13. At first listen i couldn't help but kind of skip around - I formed a pretty negative opinion... Upon listening to it again for the third time on headphones, if this is the real deal then I'm beginning to grow to like it.
  14. wow - i'm still waiting for this download to finish, it must be getting lots of traffic because it's taking forever, I can hardly hold the joy in - i'm going to smoke and get ready to take a journey
  15. Dear Jesus, I know we don't talk much anymore, and I know I've said some bad things about you - but just this once if you could do me this small favor and inspire some divine spirit to allow this album to leak like - now, preferably, then I will break up with my dark lord and master kramdar. thanks again, good looking dog.
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