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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Kitten's finally peeing in litter box, but pooping has progressed from the bathtub to right in front of the bathroom door, so whenever we open it the shit gets smeared all around the entrance to the bathroom. It's really awesome. So awesome that girlfriend wants to return him to the SPCA. But I love him!!!
  2. Kitten's still pissing/shitting everywhere in the bathroom except his litter box. I think he's broken.
  3. I was so hungry during my last meal a moment ago that I didn't even enjoy what I was eating due to the void of hunger I felt. Then again, I'm so tired I can't be sure of the accuracy of what I just said. Maybe I enjoyed the pizza immensely. I can't tell which new memories are true and which are lies... Aaaaaaaahhh!!!
  4. My kitten stinks like cheese, especially around his head. I find it upsetting.
  5. Funny enough, Charles Mingus was one of the brainstorm cat names I had before getting this guy. I mentioned moving the litter box to the tub since that's where he was going, but my girlfriend didn't want him to keep associating the tub with business. I think now that we're a few more mishaps in she may change her tune though, so I will suggest it again. I swear this kitten is getting bonus shit teleported into it somehow so that it will keep producing a ton of it regardless of how little it's been fed.
  6. Cat's on lap, wanna get up, don't wanna disturb cat. Life is hard.
  7. That's what they call "tough love"! I just tried an intervention. He went in the bathtub and started making the "I'm trying to dig up litter with my paws" pantomime. So I picked him up and put him in the litter box, but of course he wouldn't have any of it. Then he goes behind the toilet and begins the same ritual, to which I voice my disapproval and then move him back into the tub, since that's a lot more ideal. But at this point he's just not liking being forced to go anywhere. The rest is a blur, but at some point my girlfriend joins us in the bathroom, sees him going behind the toilet and is like "oh he's doing it, there's no stopping it now" as he proceeds to leave a goddamned dipping sauce of shit for us to enjoy. This time I wrapped it up in tissue and made him watch me bury it in the litter box. I don't think he got the hint, but it was worth a shot anyway. Maybe if he smells it buried there he'll take the bait.
  8. Yeah, cats are weirdly self-conscious like that. They embarrass easy. And somehow mine has managed to make my entire apartment smell like cheese, but I have found no evidence of poo anywhere... OMG what if he ate it???
  9. I've been to hell, I spell it... i spell it DMV! Here are some pics of my pussy as requested: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... My FWP is that I had to clean cat shit out of my tub today. I'm really glad that's where he decided his alternate toilet would be.
  10. I think he's afraid of it because it's got a strong scent and is a strange sandy texture he's not used to. I'm going to get the same stuff he used at the SPCA tomorrow and hopefully that will make it more obvious where he's supposed to go. Speaking of, he just chose the most reasonable easy to clean area for his first piss in his new home: bath tub. I think he chose it because the curtains were drawn and it seemed more private. So all i had to do was rinse it away afterwards, easy. I'm not looking forward to finding a lump of cat shit in there tomorrow morning, but it's still the best place for it aside from the litter box. Now he's crying out mournfully because he's shut in the bathroom and wants attention, but I've been giving that non stop since we brought him home, and he's got to learn to cope by himself for a change. I'm sure it's tough as he's used to being surrounded by a dozen other little buddies all day at the shelter. That aside, he seems to have adjusted to his new surroundings remarkably fast. As soon as we opened the transport box he was jumping around, nudging us, purring and generally seeming happy as fuck to be here. Once he befriends the litter box he's going to be the best cat ever. Yikes! I had an old cat who was inclined to do that kind of thing. He was not a happy cat, but we loved him just the same. Also, he was a mute. Any time he did attempt to use his voice it came out as a pathetic little half squeak. He died while I was in Disneyland, perhaps out of loneliness.
  11. Just got a new kitten, and he's terrified of the litter box and ain't pissin' or makin' stink. The internet wants me to massage his nethers like I'm a mother cat to stimulate his business areas. That's gross.
  12. have you tried psychedelics in an environment you have control over before? Yes, twice in friends' houses and surrounding areas. My problem is that wherever I am I end up getting trapped in my own head, and anything that occurs around me ends up feeding into whatever bad trip I'm on. Everyone else could be having a great time and I'll still be stuck in my own personal hell.
  13. I wanted to be more fucked up than I was last night at a music festival --most of the people I was with were on shrooms but I had to stick to alcohol due to the fact that hallucinogens make me psychotic. I really want to go crazy on psychedelics without going crazy on psychedelics goddammit!!!!
  14. that's alright, when I read your post in the FB thread I confused it for the FWP thread, so the end result was all the same. then I wondered why the hell gmanyo was posting stuff from his FB feed in the FWP thread lol, awesome. That does actually make me feel a bit better. New FWP is that my girlfriend just got a smart phone and is obsessed with all its online capabilities, despite already vehemently hating the fact that we're glued to our computers so much of the time. Now she's a full time online prisoner and there's nothing I can do to save her.
  15. I just realized I accidentally posted a "stupid first world problem" in the facebook quote thread a day ago, and now I feel a little bit embarrassed: "I wanna eat something but I don't wanna prepare anything or spend any money. That leaves me with literally no option other than to starve. (Yeah yeah, I could do something I don't want and fix the hunger problem, but that goes against my philosophy of never doing anything I don't want to do.)" For those wondering how i ended up resolving my FWP, I caved and poured myself a bowl of Vector Cereal.
  16. I looked out the window and the brightness made my eyes ache a little bit.
  17. I might miss my bus because I'm typing this message.
  18. I just had some reheated coffee from yesterday, and it wasn't that good.
  19. lol, awesome. This thread's finally picking up some momentum. I unfortunately don't have anything new to contribute at the moment. Carry on.
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