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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I sometimes have dreams where someone else is driving from the back seat, and I always wonder how the fuck that even works and why I'm entrusting them with my life. Other times I'm driving in the driver's seat, but very poorly and can't get the breaks to work or the car to turn fast enough (I don't drive in real life, so that's probably a fairly accurate representation).
  2. I had tubes put in my ears when I was a wee one to prevent these horribly painful ear infections I used to get. It worked. FWP: when asked about an idea I had for a background vocal on a client's track, I followed up the summary with "it'll sound lush." lol.
  3. I keep thinking I'm up to date on this thread, but then the next time I open it I'll notice I missed 3 or 4 posts that were already there last time. This is a regular occurrence.
  4. I have friends who are in a 90's funk style band, so I still get my fix every now and then. Sometimes they even ask me to play second guitar with them at shows. fwps: 1. the fingers on my left hand smell funny, probably japanese food related. 2. there was some fatty boogery looking thing in my soup that wasn't supposed to be there. The server didn't take it off my bill so I had to ask the cashier to do it and felt like an asshole while she went back to the kitchen to verify my story. 3. there is no three.
  5. lol I don't get why my avatar freaks people out. He is just a HAPPY SMILING SUNSHINEY GUY I was scrolling passed this post on my way to the end of the thread, at which point my girlfriend said "uUgh!" And yeah, she was reacting to the avatar. My fwp is that possibly the worst Tori Amos song in existence has been popping into my head almost every day for the last three weeks. It's a horribly tasteless duet entitled "The Power of Orange Knickers" I shit you not.
  6. FWP: it's one in the afternoon, but the pitiful amount of daylight that trickles in here makes it feel like 5PM.
  7. According to Ashley Slater (used to be in Freak Power) who I spoke to a few years back about him, he's still making albums but just taking a long time to come up with a full record. He's still around though, I saw him DJ in support of Chris Cunningham not too long ago so I can't imagine he'd just leave his career there. My FWP: My flat mate used up all the hot water I specifically turned on for a quick shower, then uses up the rest of the shampoo I left in there along with the soap and towel that was in there to make sure he knew I was waiting to get in the shower. I would confront him, but he's a creepy fuck who never leaves his room and refuses to even tell me his name when I try to start a conversation with him Thanks for the info! I feel a little better now. Sorry to hear about the flat mate. My friend lived in a mansion with a guy like that, who went on a killing spree right after he moved out, no joke! They were worried he was going to come back for a surprise visit (...he had a list of people who had wronged him in some way...) but he was captured very quickly after the first shooting, heh. My other friend worked with him as a security guard and had similar concerns. He was probably safe though because he bought him a hot chocolate during a particular cold night shift... though it was refused, so who knows. When someone refuses a hot chocolate you bought for them, you know there's something going on. Apparently he liked to play Fure Elise on the piano, so he couldn't have been all bad. Anyway... your flat mate is probably just a creep and not a would be serial killer. But yeah it's probably best not to confront a guy like that. Ugh, that sucks. I don't think I could do it, but there have been times that I've considered it. I think I'd sooner just scrape by than work for someone else at this point. You could take the opportunity and then quit if it totally sucks?
  8. I'm bothered that I have no clue what became of Jackson Fourgeaud of Jackson and his Computer Band fame. I'm sure he would be as popular as Clark or Flying Lotus if he were still releasing albums. For a debut album, Smash is about as well executed and cohesive as it gets. I mean FUCK. Fuck is what I mean.
  9. I'm trying to play "cums": and "shits" on my current Scrabble turn, and it's insisting that "cums" is not a word when it obviously is. They'll accept "cunt" and "jewed" but not fucking "cums". wtf is this shit. I can't believe I'm in the version of the universe where the Scrabble dictionary is so goddamn inconsistent.
  10. I bought super expensive Murchies "Christmas" blend last week, but there's not one iota of Christmas flavoring in that motherfucker.
  11. That's awful, sorry to hear it. Same thing happened to two other families I know... well, I know one of them and went to school with the son of the other. That one occurred due do his little bro making napalm in the basement. The other was the result of the stove being left on. Originally I came here to complain that my coffee is too smooth and delicious.
  12. I prefer lasagne to turky or ham, but I like alcohol so thanksgiving's all right I guess. My cat keeps hitting all the fridge poetry magnets onto the floor and biting them up like an asshole. It is awfully cute though.
  13. If I see someone wearing large headphones in public I automatically like them. Conversely when I see people wearing ear buds I view them with disdain.
  14. Got one: just found out bandcamp doesn't always log the visits my page gets despite what its stats headings would have me believe. (got one incomplete play so far today but no visit.) Possibility #2 is that someone was already on the page yesterday and stayed there until today, then played the track. New FWP is that I'll never know for certain whether bandcamp keeps an accurate log of page visits.
  15. Ha! Love those guys. I keep my studio computer off the internet for the reasons above (like 5 posts or so, not the poopies one). Sorry no FWP ATM.
  16. hotspot shield and netflix are not compatible on my girlfriend's comp at the moment, which means in order to watch the movie we want to watch we'll have to use my computer which gets shitty audio. It makes all the far left and right audio really loud and all the centre audio really quiet. THAT'S FUCKING BULLSH... n/m it's working now.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhWF12KjUAw Shit's bananas B A N A N A S Okay, bit of a stretch here because I forgot FNM even covered that song, but maybe I unconsciously made the FNM connection, remembered the cheerleader chant from Be Aggressive, remembered that Gwen Stefani had a song also with the cheerleader chant idea, then remembered some other random Gwen Stefani song which proceeded to inhabit my conscious thought on loop. Maybe.
  18. The theme from Midnight Cowboy that had been floating through my head for the last three days has been mysteriously replaced by a Gwen Stefani song that wasn't even a single. First world solution: making this post has put the Midnight Cowboy theme back in there.
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