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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Just played 3 pool games, all of which ended by someone sinking the goddamn 8 ball (and 66% of the time that someone was me).
  2. My brother got me a DVD of this show for Chrstmas, and every time I suggest starting it with my girlfriend she says she's not in the right mood for it. And no I'm not talking about teh sex.
  3. fixt. Also I ate half a pizza, so no more meal neglect. My problem now is that I have to keep quiet because the girlfriend works in the morning, but I want to practice my shreddin'.
  4. I keep neglecting to have a proper until really late at night (in tonight's case, 9:45pm), and then when I desperately need something instantly there's nothing available that doesn't take substantial preparation time, so I give up and do something else (like go on watmm) and then neglect to eat for another hour or two. I guess this is how I keep my trim figure.
  5. 1. I have a sore throat (in the first world). 2. Sending CDs in the post is bloody expensive.
  6. At the above: very nice, not really metal, but awesome nonetheless. I watched this doc last night on grind/death/various extreme metal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4mNmw2Azeo&feature=fvwrel There are some nice interview moments interspersed with samples of music from each band... some of which go on for way to long, but for anyone who's unfamiliar with the bands it's good to have. In particular I really enjoyed all the segments with David Vincent and Justin Broderick. And speaking of David Vincent, I'm completely enamored with Morbid Angel right now. Gateways to Annihilation is one of the best produced, heaviest metal albums I've ever heard, and of course the musicianship displayed by the whole band is exceptional. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5dW1JipXnA& I haven't yet heard Illud Divinum Insanus, which is apparently universally considered to be a pile of shit. But I guess all bands who exist beyond the 20 year point are entitled to at least one of those. Maybe it's amazing and no one knows what they're talking about. *PS sorry if doc was already posted.
  7. Here's a melodic death metal band I recorded in 2010 called Scimitar. They were all under 20 at the time and I don't think anyone had more than 4 years experience with their instrument, but you wouldn't know it. The lead guitar work in this song is pretty astounding (after the 6:00 point). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJzZjmrgIeQ I've been on a black metal binge the last month. In particular: Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Dissection-Storm Of The Lights Bane Dark Funeral - Angelus Exuro Pro Eternus Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God Wolves in the Throne Room - Celestial Lineage Also, on a more experimental note, Gorguts!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lspl89ixSds
  8. Went to a Casino, sacrificed a $20 to the slots, started and ended my gambling career in 15 minutes. Then I watched my friend squander $200 on those same machines like a man possessed.
  9. Well... there was a monster that kept regenerating and killing her. She had very little in the way of ammo, so I'm pretty sure it was actually impossible for her to ever beat the part. I realize that describes most of the game, and I can't give any more detail than that because I tend to sit with my back away from the TV when she plays. At one point she insisted that I try the part, which I refused maybe five times before relenting (I hadn't played the game in several months and have no interest in getting sucked back in). And of course I ran out of ammo and died, as was the only option I'm pretty sure. My first world problem today is that i realized I spelt my own project name wrong on 4 CDs I burned to send to labels. Of course since it's my project I can spell it any way I fucking want. But they might just think I'm daft, and fair enough.
  10. Netflix is down and my girlfriend is playing this really obnoxious part in Dead Space 2 over and over again. Horrible.
  11. I just got sucked into the inane vortex that is the Skrillex thread. Ugh. I feel like I just lost a year off my life.
  12. I wanna get high but all my former partners in getting high have either left town or dun wanna get high no mo'. If we were living in the second or third world I'm sure they'd still be kicking around/wanting to get high. PS What constitutes a second world country? I've never actually heard any place being referred to as second world.
  13. Bro Diddly John Cougar Concentration Camp (an existing punk band)
  14. Yesterday I walked 20 minutes to grab two slices of Pizza Zone's disgustingly greasy 420 pizza which is just drowning in meat of all kinds, particularly the bacon kinds. I felt a little ill afterward, but it was so worth it. My friend built a clay oven in his backyard, and we would have backyard pizza & beer parties at least once a month. Then he got evicted and our pizza dreams withered and died like so many fallen toppings. Pizza is the only food I can eat every day without getting sick of it, and is one of the only foods I can keep eating well past the point of being full. It's like air to me, but tastes better.
  15. Mine was last year at Christy's pub. I assumed it was happening in the evening/night, so I went over around 7PM, but it turns out my grad class is unfathomably lame and decided to have it in the early afternoon. It made me glad that I missed it. My elementary school class also had a reunion five years prior, which I just forgot about despite discussing it with old classmates for weeks leading up to it. That one I was kind of bummed about missing.
  16. I swear there was a thread here about Valentine's Day disasters, and I swear I posted about eating the best grilled fish i ever had in that thread, and I swear the whole thing just vanished from the internets altogether. Does this mean we're in a simulation?
  17. I don't play pool, but uh... power shot? Not quite what I mean, I'm just referring to the amount of force behind my shots in general... or rather the force and speed at which the balls move after I hit them. I'm still putting just as much into my shots, but now the results on the table are a bit more reflective of that effort. I'm still sinking balls just as infrequently.
  18. Regardless of how much better my aim and shot-force (what's a less stupid term for this?) gets in pool, the percentage of shots I sink never gets any higher. That last sentence was awful. FML.
  19. I enjoy the smell of my own stale sweat, but the rest of society doesn't. If I had it my way I'd wear my stink coat all day. Shower time for me.
  20. Those lyrics are fantastic. The video didn't work for me unfortunately, but I'm going to have to seek me out some more Sleepytime Gorilla Museum after reading that. I remember being pretty impressed by their music years ago, but I never really followed up on it.
  21. The concept is simple: include a clip of a song (or two or three) along with the lyrics of said song(s). Ideally the lyrics should be in spoiler tags so as to avoid having a scrolling nightmare on our hands, and also be great. Here are a few of my favorites to get 'er started. Nick Cave - The Lyre of Orpheus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zLcaS76OtM "Orpheus went leaping through the fields Strumming as hard as he did please Birdies detonated in the sky Bunnies dashed their brains out on the trees" --So good. ____________________________________________________________________________ Tom Waits - Don't Go Into That Barn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWgwILGLCAs ____________________________________________________________________________ Elliott Smith - Junk Bond Trader http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Arac_GhGxwk
  22. Band practice was canceled unbeknownst to me and I don't know what to do instead + my back hurts. Spell check hasn't heard of "unbeknownst". FML.
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