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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by beerwolf

  1. There is racism on the left wing also. Because racism is irrational.



    Yep. The further you go round to the left, sooner you will pop out on the right.


    When the BNP and Anti-Fascist League get into the ruck, it all looks the same to me.

  2. My friends who veer towards the right-wing are generally a) never left their little village, or b) have some sort of internal bitterness with themselves.


    That's generally the trait.


    On the other hand I have massive blow-ups with so called left-wing anarchists, just because I don't concur to there ideas, and anything slightly patriotic is a sin. Which I won't stand for.


    Best neighbours I have ever had have been Kenyan (though of Indian descent) and West-Indian. The worst? Yeah you guessed it, white English!


    I don't understand how somebody from Slovenia who has hardly ever met a black person has all these ingrained opinions on black people. LoL.

  3. What I detest about racisim is that everybody thinks its a Black or White thing. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thats what winds me up. Massively.


    Just fucking look at history. For example Rwanda. Farm tools and machetes chopping up the same colour skin. The caste system of India. Northern Ireland erupted a week or so ago. All of this is bullshit. Like I said there are good and bad in all colours and cultures. If you think all white people are the same, who think the same, who all conspire the same you're fucking nuts.


    IMO starting up this this subject is just asking for trouble. No matter how 'jolly' you intentions are about the 'n' word are.

  4. i didnot want this thread to be about "racism" per se but i was hoping we could discuss more on the subject of the term we now refer to as "the n word."


    what i mean is it is a funny word but i don't think its just because it is about black people. it is first of all a naughty word.



    I am not coming down on you like a tonne of bricks my friend but I don't find the word nigger funny at all. In England it's hardly ever said anymore, I think I may of heard the term used a handful of times in the last ten years (usualy by a fat, drunk, white bigot who's approaching 60 at the bar, and who belongs in the stoneage). Apart of course from Gangsta rap which I fucking hate because of the overuse of the word.


    I think it's an American thing.

  5. I always thought it was so funny that humanity is so divided by race.


    I would simply say "the colour of our skin" but there's more to being part of a particular race that just your skin colour, but you still shouldn't judge someone because of that ("next week on sesame street...")


    Yeah I just always found it so laughable that we are all part of the same species, floating on a big blue ball in space with no fucking clue as to why we exist or what we are doing here and yet most people seem inclined to see divisions amongst us when collectively we should feel united as the most intelligent and advanced species of organic life on this planet and possibly the entire galaxy (that we know of, heh).


    for example, imagine how you'd feel about that "funny foreign family" next door if aliens landed on earth and started living amongst us? when you put things in perspective we're all a lot more similar than many of us think. it'd be really nice if people could appreciate other cultures instead of discriminating against them...though I guess I sound like a stuck record amongst the other posts in this thread in saying that, so it's good to see that many of us are on the same page here.



    no I wasn't high/tripping when I wrote this. It's just a subject I feel very strongly about.





    Though I am not always politicaly correct, I understand the simple fact that on Earth there is good and bad in all races. That's all you need to know. Its really fucking simple. I spent 6 years travelling it. So I know.


    I have friends who have far-left veiws and a few who have right-wing veiws. Religion might get an airing but we never discuss politics at a BBQ or dinner party LoL.

  6. Summat by Stars of the Lid, not sure which track.


    Going to spend the next few hours listening to choons and drinking beer, then its BBQ time with friends coming round so all my mental stuff will be put to one side and I'll play the radio top 40. I might commit suicide with a bread knife.....


    Ah, so you're 'that one guy with the weird taste in music' according to your mates?


    I'm listening to Trentemøller - 'Into the Great Wide Yonder' on vinyl. Fucking great record.



    Yep, that's me. Though I like mainstream shit too (though not top 40, more like Metallica etc), they know I have a devils cauldron of mental stuff which is tucked away for their sanity. Trust me it's handy to have. When I want to get rid of them I wack on Confield or Reign in Blood. Bye bye everybody! LoL

  7. Summat by Stars of the Lid, not sure which track.


    Going to spend the next few hours listening to choons and drinking beer, then its BBQ time with friends coming round so all my mental stuff will be put to one side and I'll play the radio top 40. I might commit suicide with a bread knife.....

  8. Phew! I can't believe I got to the 5th marker before somebody mentioned John Carpenter!


    Though not some oracle on soundtracks I would say


    Natural Born Killers

    The Beach (poppy but with 2 classic tunes by Faithless and Orbital, the other tracks are good barbeque music if you know what I mean)

    Ry Cooders theme for Southern Comfort and one of my favorite stoner tunes of all time.


    Fucking Hell! Hahah I been sitting here for a few minutes knowing something else would crop up Judgement Night. Some great tracks on that little beauty.


    And The Wickerman ost!

  9. Logan Rock Witch is overrated.


    I never used to like this track either then one day I just couldn't be bothered to press stop and let the album play out. I found myself sitting there and asking the question why on Earth didn't I like this in the first place LoL? That's not unique though is it? It will happen with The Tuss one day no doubt.

  10. Holy guacamole!


    Well this album represents the time when I started to metamorphasize from Reign in Blood by Slayer into the world and universe of Aphex Twin. Which might seem like a mighty leap forwards or backwards depending on your point of veiw LoL, but I had a penchant for bizarre non-mainstream music and I was looking for something different. I always had a liking of electronic music bubbling away in the background, THOUGH I HATED DANCE MUSIC! (that was in the charts). I was just looking for the right thing. Here I found it.


    I was listening to John Peel on Radio 1 and he played Girl/Boy song which hit all the right spots, something about it just appealed to me so that weekend I skipped on down to the record shop and got this album. I immediately liked the cover. Somebody with a funny amusing grin, but with a glint of madness and insanity in the eyes.


    Not going to write an essay and I wont dwell on the few tracks I dislike. It has to be 10 out of 10 for me for obvious reasons.


    To me a lot of the tracks have this playful, childlish, nusery ryme feel to them. They remind me of childrens television when I was growing up, like Bod, Mr Ben and Ivor the Engine. Aphex conjoures up those images to me, I presume he watched those same programs as we are roughly the same age but I have no idea if there is a purposeful link here? All of this sound is charged with currents of beats and madness and on the whole I love it.


    Yeah this album changed my whole perspective on music. And it proberbly changed my life.

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