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Knob Twiddlers
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beerwolf last won the day on August 21

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    third stone from the sun

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    United Kingdom

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Community Answers

  1. Good to see Exploding Boy and A Few Hours After This.... I had the double cassette version of Staring At The Sea which had the B-sides (the CD and vinyl versions didn't) and I was blown away when I heard those two tracks. Amazing stuff to chuck on a B-side.
  2. Yeah I will cave and get the cd and white t-shirt when I get home.
  3. Indeed. It's one of my favourite AT tracks. Ever. There use to be a great video on YouTube of an icy stream in a snowy wood. It may still be there.
  4. Just watched The Last Stand (Arnie, Forest Whitaker) Total perfect Monday evening film. Really enjoyed it, a blast! A solid 7/10 from me.
  5. Same. Never a mad fan but do really like some of their tunes. A lot of their stuff, even the classic albums have plenty of stuff that doesn't interest me. They also have great b-sides.
  6. Grrr. Season 4 of The Shield has Glenn Close in?! Can't fucking stand her. She looks totally out of place and is just doing her usual stare. Thankfully she only lasts one season. The sooner she's gone the better. The whole vibe of the show has changed. I'm not a happy bunny (ho ho ho).
  7. Amber for me. Was the first Autechre album I bought. I'd never heard their music before and I just took a punt on it as they were label mates with Aphex Twin. I was stunned really. Such a beautiful set of sounds. Amber was the perfect stepping stone into the rest of their back catalogue. And into the ultimate IDM rabbit hole, of which I'm still lost in.
  8. Agree. I've mentioned before that I believe this is the reason I don't get it as much as other folks. I don't actually dislike the album, I can listen to it. But I have this deep sense that there is shit loads going on that I don't appreciate. And therefore leaves me isolated from the experience.
  9. Loved Bamboozle! But was teletext (as it says on the screen shot above)
  10. Got up at 5.30am for work, got into work for 6.30am boss says to me what you doing here Steveo? You are on annual leave all week. Am I? Happy days! Ahhh what a wonderful feeling, back home to bed then
  11. Just watched my favourite film of all time at the Waterloo iMax. Haven't seen it for maybe 8 years as it's not a film you can just put on, it's a 'mission' so to speak. A fantastic experience and as always rather exhausting.
  12. Like Helter Skelter was a code about an apocalyptic race war? Be careful with those codes. They can take you anywhere you want to go.
  13. Love the bewitching we are lost in a haunted forest sound to this EP. This is by far my favourite Seefeel release.
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