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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. I really enjoy Filth, its fairly brutal and I like the acid tones throughout.

    "My so called Life" does have some great moments.

    I have enjoyed his EP output over the past few years, Horsey Noises, Cubist Reggae, Fool the Detector and Affectionate have all been really strong releases and despite being "slower", full of interesting compositions and fresh ideas.

    New stuff please

  2. So I did my stoned-as-all-hell walk in the woods last night. I walked to the start of the path into the woods, smoked a huge bowl and started the album.


    FLeure was fun although once the track fell away the fear started to set in. Like what if there is a bear, because I totally would not hear it at all until it was eating my guts. I pondered turning around but decided to continue. By the time irlite was on I was very afraid and looking around everywhere. When prac-f came on I started to feel a bit more comfortable. By Jatevee C I realized I was being paranoid and the forest wasn't dangerous and that was pretty blissful. By t ess xi I realized I had to piss really badly so did so but I was so high I put my dick away before shaking and leaked quite a lot of piss in my pants. By the time vekoS was playing I was full on stomping and marching through the woods. Then Flep came on as I came to a very long boardwalk across a swamp. I shambled robotically to the rhythm. Tuinorizn was another fun stomper, and Bladelores came on just as I was beginning to get lost.


    1 1 is marked the point where the pink sky began to turn pitch black but I was about an hour into the woods and totally lost anyways so I wasn't getting out of there soon. I smoked another fat bowl and when nodezsh came on I began to become afraid again. Like nocturnal predators might be coming out now, like wolves or something. They would all probably be hungry.Then I almost ran smack into a deer and only noticed it a few feet away. I pulled out my flashlight and its eyes lit up freaking me out. I backed away because I couldn't tell if it was a deer or a wolf. I decided I would break into a full on run when runrepik came on (for obvious reasons) and that was pretty intense. I had resolved to stop running at cloudline but spl9 surprised me somehow and so I decided I had to continue running for spl9. Some point around this time I found my way onto a main trail. When cloudline came on I was on a very long perfectly straight path all the way to my house, but decided to march slowly in the snowbank off to the side because of the pacing. for deco Loc nothing particularly interesting. Recks on had me back into the suburbs and YJY UX had me fondly remembering my experience. I passed by the first school I ever attended when keyosc was playing which made me remember those days. Then I got home and my feet hurt like motherfuck.


    And that's why I don't do psychedelics anymore.


    Much better than the wire review.

    You should get a promo from Warp next time.




    PS its 303oclockkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  3. alright so the cops came to the door due to a noise complaint. They seemed perplexed at having to do this at noon on a weekday.... a massive win for Exai as far as im concerned.





    although i am kinda worried now...which neighbor was it.....damn you mystery neighbor...damn you....


    make sure its midnight next time, then its worthwhile.

  4. Pirating from soul seek because bleep won't let me download what I paid for. Ridiculous really.


    I have honestly not pirated any music in at least 9 years.


    But, I am completely tempted at this point. Bleep is doing my head in, and I hate the fact that I could be listening to Exai now rather than sitting in silence.

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