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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Arranged to pick mine up from a local shop - like everyone else it said Monday delivery but has since not arrived. If its not there by Wednesday I'm screwed as I'm off on holiday. FFS bleep.

    Yep I'm off on holiday soon too.... Already had to change delivery address once due to the delays!


    Moving forward, I think we should all regroup, collaborate, and reach out to prospective clients. We need to innovate and get our blockchain ready for critical mass.

    ...and think outside the box.

    let's touch base in the morning

  3. So many twists and turns in this track, its brimming with Aphexian goodness. I'm buzzing for the new EP!


    Cheers Mr James

    it actually reminds me of qebrus, the way it iterates between phases and has the 3D video to go with it.


    Really like it

  4. Alright, just chiming in to say I purchased Mage Knight and have played 2 solo games 2 days in row. Holy cow. What a game. I don't think I had a better experience playing a board game yet, even though I played it solo and checked the rules about 50 times through it. I know I made at least 2 mistakes. Every little part of the game has an exception rule to the whole system and at first it's just frustrating. Still, I took my time and I think I got it all. The puzzle aspect of what you can do with your hand is sooooo soooooooo satisfying and the growth of your character is also soooooo good. I went to a dungeon late in the game just so I could kick some dungeon ass because these monsters were so hard for me in the early game. I trained at a monestary to get some special actions and then I burned the monastery the next turn. I tried to conquer a big city and of course got the shit beaten out of me. Then the game ended and I didn't succeed to finish my goal. But I can't wait to have a large table and 4 hours to spare on disposale again.



    Just watched a few YT videos on this, looks pretty deep.  I like complex games - but I know that with my 2 sons in the house there is no way I could leave this set up on the kitchen table and it would still be there when I got home from work.


    Its hard enough keeping vinyl out of harms way-  I built a special side board in our lounge to keep my decks and records out of reach until they are old enough to understand / respect them :D

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