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Soloman Tump

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Posts posted by Soloman Tump

  1. I like to think that we'd get a nice chunky remain majority though and can then call it off and go and sit at the back for a few years being well behaved.


    Isn't that what Cameron and his pals expected the first time around....

  2. What was the deal with the UK keeping the Sterling and not going to the Euro? Were there any other exceptions or nuances with the UK membership in the EU? 

    it's not just the UK.


    19 of the EU 27 use the Euro, the following don't... then there are 6 non-EU countries / states that do use the Euro :emotawesomepm9:



    Bulgaria – Lev

    Croatia – Croatian Kuna

    Czech – Republic Koruna

    Denmark – Kroner

    Hungary – Forint

    Poland – Zloty

    Romania – Leu

    Sweden – Krona

    UK – Pound


    Even now the government is trying (and failing) to withhold critical legal advice that would give all MPs the information they need to make an informed decision in the vote next week.


    Turns out there was nothing in the legal advice that we didn't already know, so that was all a fuss about nothing tbqh.



    Yeah just read that.

    Could be political kicking around of the ball from the Tories, helped distract pressure away from something else.


    Also just heard a summary of PMQs, and Corbyn decided not to pile on the pressure and even mention Brexit once. He is an odd man.

  4. I lost faith in our MPs following the expenses scandal in 2009 (and probably before that actually).


    I do not fully align with any of the political parties and this whole brexit shitstorm has been handled so poorly by everyone involved. 


    From the badly fought referendum to the way the whole past 2 years has played out, lies and deceit from all parties and views.


    Even now the government is trying (and failing) to withhold critical legal advice that would give all MPs the information they need to make an informed decision in the vote next week.


    Whatever deal was crafted by Theresa May would be attacked by all sides, so she was doomed to fail from the start.  Nobody else wants to launch a leadership battle until all of this is over as nobody else wants to take the reigns and steer us elsewhere.  Spineless and job preserving!  The recent resignations we have seen must surely just be the start.


    Agree that second referendum is off the cards. 




    Interesting times if you like politics, tedious if you don't

  5. Making my zine and having a personal project to focus on has been very helpful for my mental health over the past couple of years.


    Also been attending a mindfulness group for about 9 months now - helpful in some ways and a bit fluffy in others but generally useful.


    Mindfulness is the big buzzword in mental health right now and I can see its benefits

  6. So I just got the first TP of Monstress and it looks awesome. Nice fantasy / horror type mix.




    The cast is basically a furry, a talking cat and a girl with cthulhu living inside her that looks like a vagina. The characters are majority female (and a female writing / artist team so I guess they are making a point)

  7. I'm uploading to Mega now... redownloaded this morning because youtube-dl didn't automatically fetch the highest resolution. What I have now is f22, 960x720.


    The best audio-only stream I could get is f140, which seems to be ~128 kbps AAC LC, those are up already: https://mega.nz/#F!tEIW2AbZ!Q1NF5b-h8PvaehDjv09hTQ


    Appreciate your efforts! This is a monster haul of sounds.


    Presumably all autechre produced under the name XHK?

  8. 3rd video is more like I expected from them - arty poetic stuff.  Which I approve of - but also love the club bangers :emotawesomepm9:


    I just heartily gush over Underworld


    First time I ever saw Underworld was here:-



    Shame the rest of the set is not online, they played 90 minutes and it was pure bangers for a very up for it young crowd.

    The venue was in a disused quarry with little in the way of sound restrictions

  9. The 4 videos I watched this morning were awesome.

    All dark deep creepy drones, somehow massive sounding. Thought I was seeing words in the scrolling but possibly not.

  10. where can I read the first 2 issues?


    I have .pdf's of the first 3 issues which I need to archive online somewhere. Will do it soon.  I am actually tempted to do an archival "book" containing the first 5 issues, can actually get them printed up for pretty competitive costs. 


    Issue 4 will go to .pdf soon ( I have a final few paper copies left to disperse before I let the digital out there)

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