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Posts posted by Stock

  1. 5 hours ago, Dragon said:

    i've never read one! lots of fascinating detail here about his technique. makes me think about "5 just fall asleep" (from soundcloud dump) which seems not only a SAW2 sessions outtake, but almost certainly one of the earliest experiments with sleeping/waking up in the studio

    Your post made me think that a reissue with additional bonus material released during the SoundCloud dump and remastered using Cr7e or whatevs would be great (looking at you, red calx)

  2. GAS hitting hard right now because of the Native Instruments summer sale. I wanted to buy the Komplete 14 suite, which is also sold as a bundle with their hardware material. The m32 keyboard is sold for less than 20€ as part of the bundle, and then there are the Maschine products...

    I used to love my MPC500 which I do not use anymore because of how uneasy it is to manage. I do not need another groovebox but at the same time, I feel very disappointed with the Tracker mini and would enjoy a return to pads-based groovebox. Plus, the actual deal looks like a steal.

    First world problems once again I know. It's a good thing the deal is ending in July lol

  3. I tried the free-to-play Star Wars Hunters on Switch this afternoon, I thought I needed some arena action game, but even though I knew it was F2P and set very low expectations I felt disappointed after my first game. The game feels tremendously dull !! Guess I'll do some Splatoon instead !

  4. 1 hour ago, LooseLink said:

    The new Doom is apparently called: Doom: The Dark Ages................

    ........ alright, bring it.

    But, I got a better name:

    Doom Heretic

    Sounds like they are mashing up Doom with Quake, and also Heretic and Hexen, which are also id software related. Look them up.

    But anyway, this is my only problem with the modern Doom games...... Doom (2016) should of been called Doom 4, because there was already a Doom.... Doom (1993)..... apart from the naming, the new games have been good, so looking forward to seeing the new one if its coming.




    Just when I am finishing Doom Eternal haha ! This game already gave me Quake vibes (Quake 1 for some elements of level design, and Quake 3 for the ruthless arenas). Good news!

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah prices are... Something else, now. I still can't process how much LP now have an average price of 40€ or more. And I'm not talking limited editions here!

    Reissues clearly reflect inflation: a fresh copy of Windowlicker was sold at 20€ when I went to the store yesterday - but I clearly remember that it was more a 5€ deal 10-15 years ago.

    On the other hand, there's a massive Bleep sale right now and I spent quite a lot on vinyls that cost what they used to lol

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, luke viia said:

    and now reading:

    The Count of Monte Cristo (unabridged) (Dumas)


    lol I also just started this one last week ! I love Dumas' writing. The Three Musketeers really amazed me, his novels still feel very fresh and modern imho.

    • Like 1
  7. Just finished One Hundred Years of Solitude. Expected to get bored very quickly but it was the complete opposite and I actually could not put the book down, can't stop thinking of it, it might be my new favourite book. The story has an amazing way of unfolding events at an incredible pace and of playing with the fact that you will most probably loose focus and get lost in the density of the characters. Sheer genius !

    • Like 3
  8. 3 hours ago, dr b0rk said:

    Nil please under no circumstances upload that superior recording to the internet

      Reveal hidden contents
      Reveal hidden contents
      Reveal hidden contents

    reverse psychology 🤫





    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  9. 11 hours ago, X4creek said:

    ill be brutally honest i think this is their best album by far *ducks*

    I have the same feeling, of course will have to see if it stands the test of time... But I think this might be their best sounding and polished album yet. There is a bit of everything in it, Generator and Incognito even scratched that Cross itch for me haha.


    16 hours ago, YEK said:

    Looks killer. I regret not seeing them in Vancouver. 

    If you want to experience the last tour, you can watch their movie "Iris" for free on Youtube, which is basically a captation of the Woman Worldwide tour and is stunning :


    • Like 1
  10. It always feel a bit strange talking about Justice on WATMM, as they were really era-defining artists when you were a French teenager in 2007 but no one seems to give a fuck around here haha (or worse: there's always someone who will just post the infamous picture of them headbanging during a DJ set with their setup unplugged).

    Anyway Hyperdrama came out yesterday and I love it. I am playing on repeat the first track even though it's quite cheesy. Very looking forward seeing them live this summer, the Woman tour was awesome and from the Coachella videos I saw, new live is just more of the same which is perfectly fine for me :emotawesomepm9:


    • Like 1
  11. On 4/16/2024 at 11:12 PM, siisx said:

    Am I the only one who prefers to wait for the releases (probably not before 2025 🥲)? Even if I feel very tempted...

    I'm waiting too haha. Let's support each other !

  12. @xxx I'm so glad you enjoyed the show that much haha.

    The Zones Without People rebuild is amazing, and so is the Time Decanted one. It was a very vaporwave-y moment for me during the show, as I was sure I knew the track but couldn't precisely remember where I heard it.

    On a related note, someone did post the 2 Coachella sets on Reddit. Blur was playing on the next stage so you get to hear Tender on top of A Barely Lit Path lol, but the bootlegs are good quality nonetheless.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 14 hours ago, xxx said:

    How did it go Stocko? Does he press play on "Again" or does he haul out any other hits? Close on "Chrome Country"? I'll see him in 2 weeks but my curiosity is killing me lol.

    Yes, no spoil regarding the visual aspects of the show but it was really mind-blowing. The whole show really encapsulates what OPN is about imo and had several jaw dropping moments (in the literal sense, I was really amazed and had my mouth open auite a few times lol.

    Music was incredible with most of the tracks being reworked for the show, including the Rebuild versions of Rift era track (I guess ? Did not listen to the bootlegs of the Rebuild shows but they NEED an official release). It also rekindled my love for Again.

    Hope you'll have a good time !

    • Like 2
  14. I think Paris was more 1/3 hip-hop and 2/3 non stop uptempo slaughter. For real, four or five times during the show I thought "holy shit this is so intense, it's gotta be the end of the show" and then BAM! 5 or 6 more minutes of even wilder beats.

    Can't wait for the 2024 soundboards release.

    Sean thx, Rob thx

    • Like 11
  15. Came back in front of le Trianon after a while, saw a band in front of their tour bus... Turns out it wasn't Sam and Bob but the Sunn O))) guys who were playing in the same street smh smh

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