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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. yes indeedy, definitely going to get some nice reverb thing, probably quadraverb or midiverb, also looking at lexicon mx range and might even shell out for an eventide box of some description. but yeah, fx are next on the shopping list...
  2. lol cheers, using tannoy reveal 802s. they're fucking loud.
  3. now with added juno 106 and tt303 getting crowded in here...
  4. BCM


    video of a bit of a dissonanty jammy thing on my new setup (which is soon to be joined by a juno 106 on friday) https://youtu.be/hDe_lCct20U
  5. Corsendonk Pater Dubbel ale. 6.5% abv brown ale brewed at the Corsendonk Abbey in Belgium. Was very nice :)
  6. yeah man, been loving the birthday present...is lasting me a good while and was actually bought a chimay set (with glass) too the other day so have another 6 beers in the collection (2 chimay blue, 2 red and 2 white).
  7. nice video! yeah also sounding good [emoji4]
  8. yeah looks amazing but costs like £900 or something...
  9. cheers zoe, yeah on your demo there it sounds a lot more 303 like... maybe i'll draw straws
  10. abso-fuckin-lutely
  11. yeah used to have a micron which sounded great but i got a bit fed up with the editing and ended up just using the presets a lot, which were a bit shit, so i sold it... ideally i'd like something with no, or limited presets as i get distracted by them
  12. i'm not too fussed about everything being analogue so am happy to consider VA or digital... AN1X is also on the list. decisions decisions.
  13. I'd love to have a real TB-303 or even a clone, but I'm happy with the TB-3. I'm not usually using the original saw/square sounds though, mostly some of the distorted presets or the completely mangled non-303 type sounds. Do you use an external sequencer? If that thing on the bottom left of the frame is a sequencer, I'm not familiar with it. yeah that's a yamaha QX7 sequencer which i do use for sequencing anything that doesn't have a built-in sequencer (everything in the pic apart from the drum station does though, and the drum station is being sequenced by the 626 anyway). i need a new polysynth with midi out to feed the QX7 notes though and I just sold my old one, so it's currently sitting idle. not for long though... yeah i'd love a juno 106 but for a really nice one it's looking like £800+ and not sure i want to spend that much. hence considering the JXs and the JD800.... i've always wanted a JD800...so many sliders!
  14. man, i've had fuck loads of synths...tried all sorts of different things and set-ups. i finally just realised that all i really wanted was a shit load of old roland stuff. i've just sold loads of non-roland gear (including a modular) to fund this change. all i ever ended up doing was trying to get my non roland stuff sounding like roland stuff, thought i should stop fucking about and get the real thing.
  15. yeah that's what i was kind of thinking anyway... acidlab sounds a bit shit on the demos i've seen, compared to the tt303 and x0xb0x anyway.
  16. nah TB-3 was shit. well aliasy when you were peaking the acid with high resonance. generally just didn't really like it tbh, looks weird, touch screen ting is wank and they made a worse sounding 303 than audiorealism which is pretty bad seeing as they're roland. my mate's got a TT303 and it's much betterer. whilst most people would probably be happy with a 101 and 202, i'm afraid i need to complete the set and get a (fake) 303. also there is of course nothing that sounds like a 303 - 101 and 202 are great bass synths and make fine acid noises, but it's still not the same really. anyway, fuck it, i'm getting a TT303 (or maybe an acidlab bassline or x0xb0x, prob the TT303 though tbh).
  17. getting my new setup sorted out...still need a good polysynth (considering Juno 106, JX-3P, JX-8P, Super JX or JD-800) and a new acid box (probably TT303) then i reckon i'll be sorted for a bit...my room is too small really but hey ho, roll with the punches
  18. Those look brand new. both had a godd clean up, just bought them off ebay... both arrived quite filthy actually, always surprises me that people don't keep these things clean. the 101 has a resonance knob modification, plus also CV ins for mod + filter.
  19. been sampling some more this evening...particularly enjoyed the Adelardus Tripel...fucking delicious my mum got me this present. fucking legend.
  20. it was my birthday recently and I was lucky enough to get a large selection of Belgian beers...
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