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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. Happy Christmas all! Fuck New Year's Eve.
  2. the double black label burger from vivat bacchus in london bridge
  3. BCM


    thanks all a new actual album type thing is being worked on and should arrive in the next couple months.
  4. BCM


    coming soon, more https://soundcloud.com/b-c-m/sotsp3
  5. what's that white stuff? is that mayo? fucking way too much if it is...also it does look like a double turd burger
  6. had a burger king earlier. whopper with cheese.
  7. looks like you've got two top halves of a bun
  8. i think you should become a breatharian
  9. fucking weirdo edit: only joking i do know what you mean and by no means are chili dogs ever going to be made from stuff that's good for you...but you can't really think about that too much once you've made the choice to eat chili dogs for dinner...you've just got to go with it and they were bloody lovely. i will say the wedges were oven roasted in only a little olive oil (and various seasonings) though so were not that unhealthy.
  10. it's this thing my girlfriend does and I'm quite into it....you should try it...fucking peanuts in coleslaw
  11. did some chili dogs...yes that is peanuts on my coleslaw.
  12. here we fucking go: [youtubehd]xuBx8hJlxik[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]I0pZI6lP7XU[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]hw_ubAOxABc[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]IRiBsc2hFW0&index=10&list=PL920BAA82B9A747E8[/youtubehd]
  13. used to love gabber in the mid nineties...on my phone right now but will post some decent tracks imminently
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