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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. that's how I eat my burgers... medium or medium well.... =( mostly because I distrust restaurants handling of raw ground meats. steak = medium rare. yeah this
  2. was from Byron Burger in Westbourne Grove... Double Chilli Burger, two beef patties, smoked chipotle mayonnaise, green chilli, American cheese, salad etc...very nice indeed
  3. BCM


    ^ curently my ringtone, i fucking love it.
  4. BCM


    i think it's got something to do with nulls
  5. BCM


    exactly. troll status confirmed. banhammer imminent.
  6. BCM


    my guess is you will be banned within a month, hopefully less as you are clearly a troll, very probably a dupe of a previously banned member. i think you should leave right now and go and play Warhammer in your Mom's basement. seriously, leave.
  7. BCM


    oh for fucks sake shut the fuck up already, you've made your point, stop fucking banging on about it. nobody gives a shit what you think mate, just fuck off yeah?
  8. BCM


    HAB isn't that great, I like maybe 2 or 3 tracks and its definitely far from his best work. You cannot compare syro to an album which he made nearly 20 years ago, appreciate what he did then and move on. lol, same artist, so yes I can. I realise that fanboys are getting butthurt at my comments, but come on... Syro is the least good Aphex Twin album, and has most of what makes Aphex Twin great, completely missing. It is like a dull plastic version of what it could have been. A sign of the times I suppose. All the tracks sound too clean and flat, and there is nothing vast and astonishingly artistic on there. Even the piano track doesnt sound as good as the piano tracks on Drukqs you're a fucking idiot.
  9. BCM


    there's been loads of really negative comments, what thread you been reading? it's fine not to like something but a lot of people seem to be almost taking the fact that they don't like it personally, like Aphex has deliberately tried to insult them or something. i think it's because the album is too funky, these people can't dance for toffee and an upbeat album heavily reliant I groove scares them. you can't really sit in your darkened room with the curtains shut and get all moody and depressingly introspective to this album, which is what i imagine the majority of the naysayers like to do most of the time. also, don't test me new person or I'll fuckin ave yer! You don't see anything insulting in slaping together a bunch of old binned tracks (has anyone realised that those sound 1:1 exactly the same as on the youtube recordings?) with huge amounts of hiss and overmaximized mastering because the original multitracks have been long lost as insulting? Didn't he say he is a "sucker for sounds?". Why has it been released as "Aphex Twin" and not as "The Tuss" although all tracks are basically from the latter era? I understand that the haters don't really have a lot of senseful and objective arguments. But what i do not understand, are all those comments saying "he did it for the fans" or that this release means that there will be more releases or whatever. Please explain to me, why this particular person deserves SO MUCH love when he clearly doesn't give a single fuck about anyone of you people? Was it the supposedly lost mp3 player? Was it the lovely recorded sound of a commodore 64 tape that you preordered? Was it him insisting that he has dozens of albums ready JUST to be released? Was it those remixes pressed to CD from mp3 format? Was it the Caustic Window Compilation stunt? Maybe him insisting for years that he is not The Tuss? Or was it all the cynical, vague bullshit answers in this interviews over all those years? Syro is 100 % Aphex. It's a very fun album. It's excelently crafted. And that is pretty much it. my work here is done
  10. BCM


    there's been loads of really negative comments, what thread you been reading? it's fine not to like something but a lot of people seem to be almost taking the fact that they don't like it personally, like Aphex has deliberately tried to insult them or something. i think it's because the album is too funky, these people can't dance for toffee and an upbeat album heavily reliant I groove scares them. you can't really sit in your darkened room with the curtains shut and get all moody and depressingly introspective to this album, which is what i imagine the majority of the naysayers like to do most of the time. also, don't test me new person or I'll fuckin ave yer!
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