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  1. It appears that when you speed up this track up so it has a duration of 40 seconds there are a few human sounds. second bad .mp3
  2. Thanks for the hard work. I'd love to have a look visually at their sequencing patterns as it sometimes reveals some secrets my beyond my ears. Has anyone exported midi from the electron data?
  3. Oh I didn't even think about it being about the amp, I thought it was more of a reference to a nickname someone gave him, like, Marshall Chords, Inspector Riff, Deputy Melody.. I'm pretty sure he is referring to the 5402 Marshall Time Modulator, it contained military ccd ics repurposed for sound. He has a few of them.
  4. While waiting for the record watch this little documentary on the guys that designed the Cheetah range and how they made their first product, the Spec-Drum which interfaced with your ZX Spectrum.
  5. You could sort them by these: http://instagram.com/p/yXN1qNqBKZ/?modal=trueor by year I guess.
  6. That would be my guess as well. But of what? I keep hearing Axel F in the bassline, haha. A Guy Called Gerald - voodoo ray.
  7. that wasn't afx, the old username has been claimed by someone else So the new user knew that Richard had had it before and posted similar styled music? I recon it is is him again as sounds related to some of the power pill stuff - I could be wrong though.
  8. Did anyone get that track called Sleep Till Noon on https://soundcloud.com/user487363530?- it went before I nabbed it.
  9. The reverb unit he was using in the early 90s was a Quadraverb. He may have had other things too but he definitely one quite a bit and it sounds like it on Tha. If you want to emulate the qudraverb sound use Valhala. Here is a video of him with it.
  10. sleuths speculated earlier in the thread.. korg minipops - minipops 67 (source field mix) sequentia cirklon - cir[c]lon... akai s950, yamaha tx16, ensoniq asr10 - s950tx16wasr10 (earth portal mix) Why those instruments? Does Richard have a sponsorship with Akai, Yamaha and Ensoniq?? This seems so fake. I thought he uses expensive synths like synthon fenix, synthi stuff and modular systems to the air plus computers. Theyre just old samplers. he's known for recording his own samples and fucking them up! Don't forget that fz probably refers to the FZ1 or FZ10 sampler in this title: fz pseudotimestretch+e+3 [138.85] and perhaps the 'pseudotimestretch' is done by mapping the slices to keys and playing them in slice order at differing speeds to get the timestretch effect.
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