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A Reggae Lee Bowyer

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Everything posted by A Reggae Lee Bowyer

  1. Then during her victory speech she peels back her skin to reveal the real donald trump.
  2. I'm just glad all my studio gear is pretty portable. I could have this all moved to a bunker and setup in no time. I actually really fucking want that life now.
  3. I'm hoping that the trump years will inspire some awesome music. All the best shit comes from dark times.
  4. I'm in no way surprised. The Democrats COULD have won if the establishment had chosen Joe Biden over Hillary Clinton. I mean, she is simply too easy to attack, making Trump look anti-establishment, when he is in NO WAY so. I'm not convinced that anyone could have beaten him. The moment I heard he was running, I thought to myself this is definitely happening. It's just one of those things that is so absurd that you just know it's inevitable.
  5. I called this a year ago and everyone laughed in my face. Remember when bush jnr got 8 years in office? lol. That fucking evil little retarded monkey man. how is this a surprise to anyone?
  6. The damage done tonight won't be healed even in our grandchildrens lifetime.
  7. I feel very let down by women. The fucking outrageous duration of history that it took for women to get equal rights and now they finally get one in a position to take the most powerful job in the world and they don't vote her in. WTF?? Every single women in the country should have voted Clinton on that principle alone. And every man tbh. She's obviously not the ideal candidate but come on.
  8. I just heard that Trump won the vote of white women in Ohio. They obviously want their pussies grabbed.
  9. I returned to the uk this year after 6 years living in the states. It's now looking like being possibly the best decision of my life. Not that any of us are safe from this maniac but I still feel very happy with my decision.
  10. 2016 is the worst year I have ever known. For so many reasons. It really has been relentlessly fucking grim.
  11. I don't really understand this "americanization" thing with black mirror season 3. How exactly is it americanized? Only 3 of the 6 episodes are set in America and none of them are what I would describe as americanized. I'm not even entirely sure what that even means but I take it to mean maybe some kind of hammy soap opera acting or something. The only episode that really matched that description is the first one and that is a deliberately exaggerated style choice anyway. What is the problem with having a few episodes set in America? I don't get it.
  12. I'm a bit surprised by some of the negative comments about Black Mirror. I thought this season was outstanding. I didn't notice any "overacting". In the first episode, that's kinda the whole point. Everyone is overacting and being false for the sake of getting rated. The American guy in the second episode can appear to be overacting a little but I honestly just think that's how most Americans come across in an English setting. I don't mean that to be offensive in any way. I just spent 6 years living in America and I'm pretty sure I appeared very underwhelming and boring.
  13. He always seemed a massive prick to me. I saw him on big brother. I wasn't impressed. I was reading that he used to work in a record store in Liverpool and would lay into customers for buying music he didn't approve of. I thought that was pretty funny but his own music was kinda shit. Credit where due for a decent 80's pop single but that's really it.
  14. I dug out my old school reports and found that I was once described as someone with great promise and potential. I now realize exactly how much of a total failure I have become but it lead me on a train of thought which has enlightened me to how utterly insignificant I am in this universe. There is a wonderful comfort in that. I feel a lot better.
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