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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. You bastards, I can't find posh beers during the week. I'ma start a wine thread. Oh, I did have some ESB tonight though.
  2. Since Bangface I've had trouble sleeping, resting and concentrating. It first started in the car on the way back. Everytime I was falling asleep I would suddenly jolt and wake up. Sort of like what you occasionally get when half asleep and you jolt and wake up. This is all well and good if it would have happened once or twice. It happened about 8 times while in the car, the last two making me swing my arms about. Then that night it was the same sort of thing but only happened a few times, eventually I slept. The next night I was watching tv and it was like a slow burning in the brain which eventually got stronger until it made me literally make a random noise. Mostly 'aaahh', 'ooo' or something. Today at work I was sitting down at lunch with my feet up. This damn brain feeling started happening again. Now it feels like my head is stuffed up with something. The closest thing I can compare it to is a head cold with a fuzzy difference. I'm actually not looking forward to tonight that much. I'm gonna try and get an early night and see how it goes, I'll skip the morning gym again I think. Has anyone experienced anything similar before? I presume it's related to things I have done at Bangface, nothing being out of the ordinary for me.
  3. I don't suppose anyone knows if they have any affiliation with a "Brooklyn Pub/Bar" in Greenwich Village, NY? It was a fantastic bar with a huge selection of bottled and draught beers. It's just that logo rings a bell. I will 100% be going back there anyhow when I'm next in NY.
  4. There's a Golden Black Sheep which is also tres bon.
  5. I need to have a mini spree in Waitrose soon because last time I was there they had tons of unknown, exciting looking beers of which I unfortunately didn't participate. Stuff I've been drinking at home tends to be bought on the way home from work which usually tends to be: It's stronger than the majority of what you usually see but it doesn't tell taste wise. It's fucking great. Funnily enough I'm just finishing one now. To be followed by:
  6. I've come to notice that EVERY Wednesday I feel low for the whole day. This doesn't affect any other day but it really gets to me because I don't seem to be able to snap out of it. Today I'm going over in my head my inability to find a different job with more money while also thinking that I'm not either A) studying enough, or B) building myself a decent portfolio. I can't get over how much I fucking hate Wednesdays.
  7. I supplied £1500 worth of parts to a garage a couple of months ago and their cheque bounced. I've been trying to sort it out since to no avail. Now they've gone into liquidation so no chance of monies. Today I find out that the accountant has told the business owner via email. He didn't know anything about this previously. So, I'm expecting him to turn up today and shout as loud as he possibly can at me. He does it like he's talking to a child, there's no conversational elements about it at all. It's quite possibly that he'll either sack me or make me redundant. Either way I'll be lucky to have a job at the end of the day.
  8. I've been thinking of going to see Glasper. He seems to be playing over here quite frequently at various venues.
  9. I know, I know. I'll try again when I've got some decent supplies.
  10. Probably the most depressing burger I've had for years. Had to have a bbq in the weather we had today and ran out of chicken so had to get last minute Tesco's Finest burgers. What a sorry state it was.
  11. It's the plant-secreting gnome she wants to worry about. Vicious bastard. Here's other kitteh:
  12. Watching People Like Us again. Classic series. Shame it didn't go on for longer.
  13. Well it's certainly made the world talk about it. Their fucking marketing is top notch. I don't know much about the whole thing but it seems they can lessen their opinions and still the world would have heard of them. Unlike many other chicken shops dotted all over the place.
  14. Well no but I can't really get the drivers to leave whenever I want. They may want to stay until later on and watch others getting smashed. Otherwise it's a £30+ taxi just to get home or £50+ to get to the party. i'm sure you said something about trains running until 12-something The station is about half a mile from my house so it's still a £30 taxi to the station. I think I've decided to make my apologies and forget the bbq. However, I got hammered last night and don't feel like drinking at all yet so we shall see... i'm still confused. it takes like 8 minutes to walk half a mile, and how could a half-mile taxi ride cost £30? I meant I would have to get a taxi to either my house or the train station. Either journey would cost £30. I missed the bbq in the end. Had some driks at a friends then went to the party. Was quite enjoyable. They got Kenny Ken and Slipmatt which was funny. Two double gin and tonics for £7.50 too which kept me happy, and pissed. Ended up going for a bit of an afterparty which kept my going until Sunday morning. Lazed about yesterday and back at work today feeling pretty sorry for myself. I need a weekend again.
  15. Well no but I can't really get the drivers to leave whenever I want. They may want to stay until later on and watch others getting smashed. Otherwise it's a £30+ taxi just to get home or £50+ to get to the party. i'm sure you said something about trains running until 12-something The station is about half a mile from my house so it's still a £30 taxi to the station. I think I've decided to make my apologies and forget the bbq. However, I got hammered last night and don't feel like drinking at all yet so we shall see...
  16. Well no but I can't really get the drivers to leave whenever I want. They may want to stay until later on and watch others getting smashed. Otherwise it's a £30+ taxi just to get home or £50+ to get to the party.
  17. It's not so easy. There are a fair few miles between destination and the BBQ place is "in the country" so there's no travel from there. I could probably manage a lift home but the trains stop around midnight so I won't have enough time I don't think.
  18. There's a big party on on Saturday that most of my friends are going to but I've already basically promised that I'm going to someone I work with's BBQ. And the two friends I will be there with won't be drinking very much.
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