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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. Baked soy bites with sweet chilli sauce
  2. Grizzly Bear - Shields - 7/10 - Very good so far. Only a few listens and it's improved each time. I'm sure the rating will improve. There's 3 cracking tracks that stand out for me though. Aesop Rock - Skelethon - 6/10 - Need to listen more but it doesn't jump out at me too much like previous work. Four Tet - Pink - 7/10 - Very good album. Will enjoy again. Konx-Om-Pax - Regional Surrealism - 7/10 - Lovely stuff to sit and think to. Clark - Fantasm Planes EP - 8/10 - Really enjoying this. Possibly more than the album Chilly Gonzales - Solo Piano 2 - 7/10 - Some great piano right here. Gaslamp Killer - Breakthrough - 7.5/10 - Requires more listening but good so far.
  3. Just started playing bulletstorm. It's ok so far, reminds me a bit of the first Borderlands. Not sure how long I'll carry on with it though?
  4. Eton Mess: Almond slices, blackcurrants, cranberries and mini meringues.
  5. Sporting the Squarepusher shirt at Warehouse Project on Saturday.
  6. I'm yet to understand why this thread hasn't been pinned yet?
  7. Haven't seen it yet but most people are pretty much in love with it. Anyone who says otherwise is looked down upon it seems. I'm not in a complete rush to see it though.
  8. I ended up getting two of these for family members last year while at the same time receiving one from my brother. There are many pros to this decision. One of them being cheap beer.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlZ4A6Yz1yU
  10. I an too enthusiastic about said pretzels. I like the ones with sour cream and chive flavouring.
  11. I treated it very well I'll have you know. It was clearly being flippant with me.
  12. I'm listening to cds at work because it's fucking shit on Saturdays and every now and then the music stops and the thing starts spinning stupidly fast. What the fuck is wrong with it??
  13. I didn't mention that I already took two bites out of it. I couldn't go the whole way from the kitchen to the computer without tasting it. Here's another that has its original shape:
  14. Made some gingerdeadmen for the little tikes that come round on Halloween. Not one has come round so far and now it's raining. Looks like I've got about 10 of these to eat... It is tasty though.
  15. Finished Dexter S1 last night. I thought it was great right to the end. I'm gonna start S2 tonight. Oh, and South Park S13.
  16. If that obnoxious cunt was pointing the camera at me like that and then giving those childish answers he would no longer have a working camera. And what the fuck is "take a video"? Prick!
  17. I can't decide whether to either dual boot my laptop with windows and Linux or go and get a SSD tomorrow for Linux?? I would go Linux completely but I need/want Windows for development.
  18. Well where's the picture of the burger and you writhing around on the floor?
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