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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. I'm a bit cold and hungry and lunch isn't for 2 and a half hours.
  2. I've stopped being a pussy and have decided to go to Koko which I am once again very excited about. My problem now is I've gotta go to Tottenham after about 2 hours sleep and sit amongst Tottenham fans in the Tottenham end (I'm Liverpool btw)
  3. Was looking forward to Daedelus, Hidden Orchestra, Vibert + Kutmah on Saturday but can't really go cause now I've got two tickets to see Tottenham V Liverpool at WHL and wouldn't be able to have enough sleep before I go and sit in the Spurs end And I'll also be missing the Goodwood Revival which I've been meaning to go to for the last 3 years. Why does everything need to happen on the same fucking weekend.
  4. I've had to work 8am - 5.30pm for the last 2 weeks without a break. I worked last Saturday and have to work again this Saturday for no extra money. I've still got 40 minutes of the day left and I know tomorrow is gonna be worse than today. I'm starting to almost hope for redundancy as I've been here for 8 years now so I get a tidy payout, but I don't reckon they'll get rid of me cause they can't afford the payout (not that it's fucking mahoosive, it's just how we are for money right now).
  5. My favourite board game when young was called Crossbows & Catapults. You set up your base and fire the shit out of your opponents with round plastic discs. Fucking excellent! eg:
  6. OH MY FUCKING LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least it's got a nice cheeky grin
  7. Ive got a choice of two things to do this Saturday and I don't know what to do. Options:- 1. A mate who I don't really see to often is having a, sort of, stag doo. I say sort of as I think he's split up with his lady friend but wants to carry on with the thing anyhow. Here is the plan:- "head to Tottenham and we are hiring some Kayaks (£22 for 4 hours + booze) and we are going to have a little fun on the Water, dressed up as sailors (Jamie’s got a few outfits for the day). The kayaking is unsupervised so being responsible adults on the River Lee we will be drinking as we go along. Expect to see the East London Sites and hopefully with a bit of luck we’ll head into the Olympic site via water to see how things are getting on. After which, depending on how wet we get I imagine that we’ll either head to mine to have a shower get changed and dump our bags or head straight to bankside. One way or another, we’ll be on the Boris bikes for a bit more added fun (cost £1 for a days access). Once at Bankside there are many activity’s to keep us entertained, it sounds a bit cheesy but I’ve got a £50 voucher to burn at one of those massive arcades with bumper cars, 4 player racing games and all the other stuff you’d expect to find at a large scale arcade. From here, we shall be heading to Laser Quest (if we can be assed) cost is about £12~15 for about 30mins I think. This is not def but just an option. Once complete, back on the Boris bike and off to Shoreditch from some classic £1 in the Jar strip dancing fun. Well it is a stag do. Might have a curry on the lane too. This leaves us at a point with many options - the night can go either way. We’ll have Shoreditch at our disposal (alway stuff going on), I’ve been told that a few illegal raves are going on that night too, and finally the idea of going back to Watford and having a mix + typical session is on the cards." 2. A load of mates are going camping / BBQ / piss up on a hill in a lovely area in Buckinghamshire. There are loads of people who I haven't seen properly for a while. If WATMM could help it would be nice. Unfortunately I can't do both.
  8. It's cloudy outside with a possible chance of rain (46%-54%) abd I've gotta walk to the first pub before I get a lift to the next one.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StCWElNvZoM
  10. As, I reckon, I've said before, this is my favourite ever musical piece. It gets me every time I listen. Edit: I can't listen to that utube video. You need it clear and free on the mind when you listen. The remastered album is perfect for this recording.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsvyrAEXT-E
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_kk9WZ2zLw
  13. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw all the bacons in the full explanation. From now on bacon = bacons.
  14. Bill Bailey is top for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggOa9aSG-Ow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysx4ajes8d4
  15. spratters

    Now Reading

    Just going through this right now. Love the interesting explanations. God, I haven't done equations in years.
  16. spratters

    Now Reading

    A good insight into the start of it all by 1 of the 2 who started it. Pretty good so far.
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