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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. I'm starting to get pissed off with the amount of events that have "London Warehouse TBA" or "Venue TBA".
  2. Turns out the one exam I have this year falls on the morning I was going to head to Sonar. On the plus side though, me and a couple of mates are going to fly to Canada later in the year and do a road trip through Boston, New York, Niagra Falls etc.. Can't really wait for that.
  3. The only good NYE I've ever been to have been house parties. Never will I go out to a venue on NYE.
  4. That's great news Npoess. Commence with the celebrating.
  5. Ha, nice! I got some cool presents. Including fish cookbook, Jaeger, posh looking gin I've never tried before, gift cards and the robot arm that you build. I'm gonna combine with my Raspberry Pi and pick shit up.
  6. Shit. Thoughts go out to your family Npoess. All the best.
  7. Christmas is coming up and this year I've actually got the few days between that and new year off. I'm up to date with my study but and starting another related course in February and I need to get a fair bit ahead so I don't feel stuck when starting the next one (my current course ends in June). This was ok but I am gonna have to put a fair amount of time into it to get ahead. Now the job I'm getting recommended for requires that I learn a fair amount of networking, which so far I haven't been concentrating on. I'm balls deep in Java and PHP at the moment with courses and my own projects. On top of which I'm trying to improve a site for a mate. I think the job meetings I'm gonna have are some time in January. Everything seems to have stacked up at once. On top of that I'm on the verge of killing the bloke I supervise in the shit job I have now. He seems to think life is about living with his mum at 50 and spending his time moaning about everything and playing solitaire. It's all too much.
  8. I think the latest series has gone back to how good it was when it first started. Although, needs more Johnson.
  9. I seem to have a never ending stream of snuff coming from my nasal passage. WTF??? The last time I had it was late Friday evening.
  10. My last beer and it's only 5:30pm. I don't really fancy wine.
  11. Thought I would try out my brew last night a bit before Christmas. 1) because I couldn't wait 2) just to check it was ok. They whole fucking lot is spoiled. Smells good but it's got a foul mouldy taste to it. Couldn't be more pissed off. Everything had 2 goes with the steriliser beforehand. I presume there was something trapped in the valve at the bottom or the seal at the top. Not something I could see or smell but there's something horrid there. So that's £60 I've gotta spend on a pre-brewed polypin from a local brewery, £20 wasted on the brew itself and about £40 on the barrel which I'll have to replace now. Fuck.
  12. I've always thought that buying a gaggle of geese is the way to true happiness, even in troubled times. How could this not be a good idea?
  13. On season 2 of Misfits atm. The first few episodes of season one put me off straight away with that annoying humour from the Irish one. It's not too bad though now I'm into it. I shall carry on with it.
  14. Ted - 7/10 I went into this with high expectations because everyone I've spoken to has loved it. It was good and quite funny in parts but it's not going to be one I'm bothered about seeing again. A bit too cheesy for me maybe.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCHdCsTwC9A
  16. It looks like it just needs a cuddle.
  17. I'm working today until lunchtime, after which I'll probably have to go Xmas shopping. Then tomorrow I'm in a car to Manchester and back so that's around six hours of the day gone just traveling. I really wanted to have some time to relax and try and shake off this fucking cold but it doesn't look likely.
  18. Very nice roasty. Are those lines moving like waves or is it an OI? Or just my fucked up eyes
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