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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. spratters

    Now Reading

    http://en.wikipedia....us_the_aardvark that's it. book 2 - high society, is already a whole lot better than book 1^~^ the series is amazing. Some of the finest work ever put out in a graphic novel. They sound very interesting. From what's on wiki and a few trawls over the interweb, I think I'll give them a go. Is it worth starting from issue 1 or just jump in wherever? I'm only on book 2 and probably not the best person to ask. I'm a bit of a completist though, and felt it was necessary to tackle it from the beginning. I enjoyed a few moments in Book 1, but overall the book definitely dragged and the stories felt disjointed. Most of the stories were along the lines of 'Cerebus gets money', 'Cerebus loses money', back and forth again. Book 2 has focused on the one continuing story of Cerebus joining a political campaign and running for Prime Minister, and has been a real pleasure to read^^. There are some recurring characters and references that had been introduced in Book 1, but overall i can't imagine you'd really be missing all that much. Ok thanks. I might go straight to 2. They're not the cheapest books to get hold of but hopefully a couple will be worth it to get me going.
  2. spratters

    Now Reading

    Was hoping that's where they got Tony Hancock's film idea from. Unfortunately not.
  3. That's fortunate because I bought some pomegranates the other day because they were on offer and I haven't ever tried to eat one before.
  4. I had one the other day which was me being outside an old Ovaltine building near where I live. There was a big music festival and the sun was shining bright. There was a gathering of hippie types. I was aimlessly walking around. That's all I remember. Here is the irl building:
  5. I've just started watching Dexter S1. I've watched the first two and it seems ok. I'm not sure how long it can be entertaining if it follows the same sort of path. I shall continue with it.
  6. There was a new beer in my local Fullers pub last night. I took a coloured still image of it and had myself plenty. It was really fruity and very tasty.
  7. spratters

    Now Reading

    http://en.wikipedia....us_the_aardvark that's it. book 2 - high society, is already a whole lot better than book 1^~^ the series is amazing. Some of the finest work ever put out in a graphic novel. They sound very interesting. From what's on wiki and a few trawls over the interweb, I think I'll give them a go. Is it worth starting from issue 1 or just jump in wherever?
  8. I'm lucky enough to not have to deal with shits from the kitties at the moment. They are well trained. The fattest one of the two eats extremely quickly and doesn't seem to chew. Little bugger was sick at the top of the stairs Wednesday night while I was in bed. The smell was vile. Having to put it into a bag was even worse when I felt the warmness of it seeping through to my hand.
  9. It seemed to be news here too. I think it was in the paper today. God knows why.
  10. Lamination can be safely tucked into socks. Be sure to have drainage and rubber shoes.
  11. Can you get Angel Delight, or equiv, over there. It's pretty sickly but cheap. My Nan used to do strawberries with cut up choc-ice in a bowl. Doesn't sound like much but it was fantastic how it all complimented each other. I guess that depends how cheap you can get strawbs too, but choc-ices should be cheap.
  12. I got a couple of these yesterday but was unable to drink them. Something to look forward to.
  13. Jesus H Christ !!! They need to cheer the fuck up. Not everyone in that age had the chance to get their picture taken. And yeah, Robin Williams.
  14. Is that a marketing thing or just some serious weirdos? You'd never get that in Asda. all who work there very rarely get out of their mobility scooters and they have no sense of rhythm.
  15. I just got hold of Fifa 13 yesterday. I was already getting annoyed at my lack of ability to take people on. I never really had this problem previously but it just seems a lot harder to do. I'm sure I'll get into it I just need more practice. I do enjoy the tackling in it though. You can get much better tackles made than in previous games.
  16. Had a few of these in a local pub yesterday. They went down rather well. Can't say I've ever heard of this one before. I had a couple of American Pale Ale's in a pub just round the corner from Liberty's earlier but I can't remember the brewery?
  17. You've really been going for it. I agree with a fair amount of your ratings, but I totally disagree with Beetlejuice. What an absolute classic. How you find it annoying is beyond me?
  18. Right, I've listened to my fair share but it's really getting into me right now. Maybe a few suggestions is all I'm after. I feel my ambient range is limiting me to a certain few and I'd like to expand my knowledge. I'm gonna post a few vids and would love to hear your recommendations to where I should go next. Right, lets go (in no particular order)..... I find myself coming back to this track again and again. The perfect narrating mixed with the gorgeous backing works together so well. I find myself repeating the first minute over and over Another from Fast Asleep, a truly beautiful sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY45vQVoTxg It's hard to pick just one from this album as several are equally amazing. Why I haven't heard much talk about Flumina on here I'll never know. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYjxcrrTWDg Ok, just one more from Flumina. It's hard to pick one from 'Eager to ...' but, there you go. Maybe an obvious choice but it seems to work wonders on a tarnished brain. This can flip my thoughts and feelings in an instant. Well that's a few of what I'm really feeling at the moment. I'd appreciate some input from some well traveled ambient lovers. Yes I know there's plenty of other ambient type threads. But this is another one. If you don't like it fuck right off. Thanks a lot you beauties. Much love.
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